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September 15, 2023
Focus This Week
A community space to discuss the China-U.S. relationship and beyond.

Dear Focus Reader,

Global leaders will gather in New York next week for the United Nations General Assembly, where China and Russia are expected to be high on the agenda. This year, while President Biden is expected to attend, leaders from the remaining four countries that hold permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council are expected to skip the annual event. It's unclear whether Beijing's top diplomat Wang Yi will attend, but Washington anticipates that Biden will host him before the year ends.

Ahead of the UNGA, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a "Proposal of the People's Republic of China on the Reform and Development of Global Governance" on Wednesday. The proposal reflects China's stances on top global issues, and signals what its focus areas may be during the UN event. It included calls to enhance global security governance and safeguard world peace and stability, promote civilizational exchange and progress, strengthen the core role of the U.N., and advance the reform of the global governance system.

Lastly, stay up to date on all things international affairs by catching up on our latest Focus content, this week covering topics including America's foreign policy, the global impact of BRICS, and the end of Italy's Belt and Road engagement.

We wish a happy and safe Rosh Hashanah to those who celebrate!

Team Focus

Focus Insights
Quote of the Week
"Though we've seen an increase in high-level dialogues between China and the U.S. over the summer, since former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan last year, China has continued to limit cooperation with the U.S. on numerous fronts, including climate change and renewable energy."
James Hinote
Geopolitical Strategist

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Notable Number

The number of direct commercial flights between China and the U.S. per week, a figure that will increase gradually to 48 by the end of October, split evenly between carriers from several countries.

Read more from Ma Xue, an associate fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, in "U.S. Wants Best of Both Worlds."

Discover More
A look into cultural stories from our affiliate platform, The China Current.

Pineapple Buns and Milk Tea | Hong Kong Story

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Tea time for many cultures around the world is an intentional moment to gather with friends and loved ones. In Hong Kong, tea shops hold a special place in the hearts of the locals.
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Question of the Week:

In our Focus Insights section, we shared an article by Joseph S. Nye, looking at the first debate between Republican Party candidates ahead of the 2024 presidential election, and public opinion in the U.S. In the article, Nye poses a question: Is America headed towards isolationism?

We want to hear from you:

Do you believe America is headed towards isolationism? With recent shifts in public opinion regarding America's global role, how might the outcome of the Ukraine conflict impact the trajectory of American foreign policy, and to what extent does this align with or challenge the notion of American retrenchment and isolationism ahead of the 2024 presidential election?

Submit your thoughts to for a chance to be featured in next week's Focus This Week.

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About Focus This Week

Prepared by China-US Focus editorial teams in Hong Kong and New York, this weekly newsletter offers you snap shots of latest trends and developments emerging from China and the U.S. every week. It is a community space to exchange thoughts and ideas about the China-U.S. relationship and beyond.

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