Apr 17, 2018
Despite its displays of military power, China has a significant way to go with its program of military modernization and focus on high-tech capabilities.
Steven Stashwick , Independent writer and researcher
Apr 12, 2018
China, the United States, and Japan are putting new emphasis on expanding their amphibious military capabilities, to both seize and defend strategic islands if needed. We may be heading towards an amphibious arms race in the Western Pacific.
Brahma Chellaney, Professor, Center for Policy Research
Apr 06, 2018
The developments in the South China Sea carry far-reaching strategic implications for the Indo-Pacific and for the international maritime order. They also highlight that the biggest threat to maritime peace and security comes from unilateralism.
Giulio Pugliese, King’s College London, War Studies
Mar 29, 2018
The “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” strategy is aimed at deterring Chinese coercion by deepening alliances and strategic partnerships. To this end, Japan has enhanced military cooperation with partners such as the United States and India to balance against Beijing’s more assertive foreign and security policy under Xi Jinping.
Yu Sui, Professor, China Center for Contemporary World Studies
Mar 23, 2018
China will continue developing peacefully amidst the clamor of the China threat.
James H. Nolt, Adjunct Professor at New York University
Mar 21, 2018
Recently China announced an 8.1% rise in military spending for its 2018 budget. This is the largest increase in several years, but it represents continuity rather than signaling any ominous portent.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Mar 19, 2018
The Trump administration’s recently released national security, national defense, and nuclear strategies make clear that China and Russia have become the pacing threat for U.S. national security managers. However, the NPR likely errs in stating that Chinese officials are “increasing nuclear threats.” Unlike Moscow and Washington, Beijing has a declared no-first-use doctrine.
Li Ruogu, Vice President,China Foundation for Peace and Development
Mar 16, 2018
Fears of a “China threat” are unfounded.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
Mar 09, 2018
Although Moore’s law about the doubling of computing power every two years means that cyber time moves quickly, human habits, norms, and state practices change more slowly.
Feb 13, 2018
Concerns over China's military modernization are made clear in the document.