Sergei Karaganov, International Affairs at Russia’s National Research University Higher School of Economics
Mar 20, 2013
The atmospherics surrounding Xi Jinping’s coming trip to Russia – his first visit to a foreign country as China’s new president – recall a Soviet slogan from the late 1950’s: “Russia-China, Friendship Forever.” Fortunately for both sides, the slogan appears more valid now than it was then.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Mar 20, 2013
While tensions on the Korean Peninsula have gained widespread attention, Ted Galen Carpenter posits that the greater threat to stability comes from territorial disputes between Japan, China and Taiwan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands.
Wu Sike, Member on Foreign Affairs Committee, CPPCC
Mar 18, 2013
At present, West, Central, South and Southeast Asia, as well as North Africa are the most plagued by terrorism. Radical treatment is better than symptomatic relief. Using a positive energy to help countries and people in the West Asia and North Africa region to achieve peaceful development is beneficial to them, and is in the interests of the world as well.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Mar 15, 2013
As tensions over cyber security increase between US and China, diplomats in both countries are walking a tightrope to resolve an issue that has become too big to ignore. Regardless of the differences, both must find a way to navigate the cyber security waters before it leads to a situation that spins out of control.
Gong Shaopeng, Professor, China Foreign Affairs University
Mar 14, 2013
In response to the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea's third nuclear test conducted on 12 February, 2013, the UN Security Council unanimously passed a new resolution on March 7 to impose additional sanctions on the country.
Zhao Weibin, Researcher, PLA Academy of Military Science
Mar 13, 2013
The stronger the Sino-US bridge built for cooperation, the more peaceful the waters will be, and the more stable and prosperous the Asia-Pacific region will become, writes Zhao Weibin.
Sun Ru, Research Professor & Deputy Director, CICIR
Mar 12, 2013
Bilateral cooperation on Resolution 2094 ushered in a good start for the relationship under the new Chinese leadership and the start of President Obama’s second term.
Franz-Stefan Gady, Associate Editor, Diplomat
Mar 11, 2013
In the kaleidoscopic world of power politics in Asia, Franz-Stefan Gady argues that the US pivot to Asia may yield the unintentional consequences of fostering closer strategic ties between China and India.
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Mar 08, 2013
The release of the Mandiant report may become an opportunity for China and the U.S. to open a pragmatic dialogue on cyber issues as well as in the military area, writes Li Zheng.
Zhao Xiaozhuo, Deputy director, PLA Academy of Military Science
Mar 07, 2013
China’s increased defense budget, Zhao Xiaozhuo writes that China’s national strategy will continue to be peaceful development and its defense policy is defensive in nature.