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Media Report
July 04 , 2016
  • Reuters reports that China strongly criticized Japan over a scramble of military aircraft from the two countries on Monday amid a dispute over islands in the East China Sea.Two Japanese fighter jets took "provocative actions" at a high speed near a pair of Chinese fighter jets that were carrying out patrols in the East China Sea on June 17, China's defense ministry said in a micro blog statement on Monday, without specifying where exactly the incident took place.The Japanese planes used fire-control radar to "light up" the Chinese aircraft, the statement added.Japan's senior military officer has acknowledged there was a scramble but has denied that any radar lock by the Chinese jet occurred or that the incident turned dangerous.The statement about the incident comes after Japan's top military commander accused China of escalating military activity in the East China Sea, saying Japanese emergency scrambles to counter Chinese jets almost doubled over the past three months.
  • The Washington Post looks at some recent key developments in South China Sea: Five judges of a U.N. tribunal will deliver July 12 their landmark ruling on South China Sea disputes; Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that the tribunal was "established on the basis of illegal conduct and claims of the Philippines," and has no jurisdiction over the case; The United States called on China and rival claimants to avoid provocations and exercise restraint, and use diplomacy; Japan is worried that China is escalating its activity in the East China Sea in response to Tokyo's pledge to support countries in Southeast Asia; China sees an opening in Duterte and wants to settle the issue with the Philippines directly, Duterte himself said he wants to open direct talks with China; While ASEAN remains slipt, U.S. forces are planning to deploy a second Navy-Marine amphibious group in the region beginning in 2019.
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