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Media Report
February 02 , 2016
  • The Washington Post reports: "China's point man on North Korea arrived in Pyongyang, the country's capital, on Tuesday amid a flurry of diplomacy over the North's recent nuclear test....The visit by Wu Dawei, China's special representative for Korean Peninsula affairs, comes after North Korea said it successfully tested its first H-bomb on Jan. 6. China has said it firmly opposes the nuclear test and supports a new U.N. resolution and sanctions. But nearly one month after the test, there is no sign of an agreement among the U.S., its allies and China on exactly what sanctions should be adopted....North Korean authorities have not confirmed any details about Wu's visit, including how long he will be in Pyongyang or who he will meet."
  • The New York Times reports: "The Lunar New Year makes for trying travel in China, as hundreds of millions of people board trains, planes and buses to visit family and celebrate the country's most important holiday....This year, the weeklong holiday begins on Sunday, and snow and ice in central China have led to a particularly bad start to the travel period. In the southern city of Guangzhou, 100,000 people gathered around the main train station on Monday as poor weather caused rail service delays, the Guangzhou-based newspaper Southern Metropolis Daily reported....So far, conditions have not reached the state of 2008, when accidents set off by snow and ice killed at least 24 people across the country and when as many as 800,000 people waited in cold rain outside the Guangzhou station."
  • The Washington Post writes that Pope Francis has expressed his great admiration for China and declined to criticize its longtime one-child policy in a bid to heal decades of estrangement between Beijing and the Holy See and open a new era of dialogue. Francis expressed both respect for and awe of China, its culture and its role in the world in an interview with the Hong Kong online daily Asia Times. It was published Tuesday to mark Chinese New Year. "For me China has always been a reference point of greatness," he was quoted as saying. "But more than a country, a great culture with inexhaustible wisdom." 

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