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Media Report
January 21 , 2016
  • The Los Angeles Times reports: "More than three-fourths of American companies in China feel less welcome than in the past and 45% say revenue is dropping or flat, a survey released Wednesday by the American Chamber of Commerce in China indicates....The proportion of respondents reporting profits dropped to 64% in 2015, from 73% a year earlier....One in four American companies have already moved capacity out of China or plan to do so soon, according to the chamber's report....Despite the slowing economy and rising labor costs, a significant amount of confidence in the Chinese market remains. More than 50% of respondents still rank China as one of the top three investment destinations, and most indicated they are still optimistic about China's domestic growth potential."
  • The Associated Press reports: "The Facebook page of Taiwan's president-elect was flooded Thursday with tens of thousands of pro-China comments following a campaign by young mainlanders to jump the country's 'Great Firewall' into normally forbidden overseas social media to express displeasure over the recent election....A youth-dominated online forum on the mainland with millions of members launched the crusade late Wednesday to flood Tsai's Facebook page as well as news sites, including Taiwan's and Hong Kong-based Apple Daily, with comments and conversation."
  • Reuters reports: "China signed investment and aid deals worth billions of dollars with Egypt during a visit by President Xi Jinping on Thursday and expressed support for Cairo's efforts to maintain stability, which have included a tough crackdown on dissent....Heralding a new era of closer political and economic ties, officials from the two countries signed 21 deals at a ceremony in Cairo that could see China significantly ramp up investments in the most populous Arab country....Xi said 32 Chinese companies were now working in the Suez Canal economic zone, investing more than $400 million and these figures would rise to 100 firms and $2.5 billion with the next phase of the project. China and Egypt are also planning 15 projects in electricity, infrastructure and transport with investments that could total $15 billion, Xi said, adding that the efforts should give a new boost to economic growth in Egypt."
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