Jin Liangxiang, Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies
Dec 17, 2020
Reestablishing order in the region must start with recognizing and defending sovereignty. While it is urgent that the incoming Biden administration address the Iran nuclear issue to forestall proliferation, regional order should be a top priority.
Peng Nian, Director of Research Centre for Asian Studies, China
Dec 15, 2020
The incoming U.S. administration’s policy positions will likely include moving quickly to restore America’s influence in the region. It will seek an edge over China at every opportunity and try to draw ASEAN closer.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
Dec 09, 2020
Friends and allies have come to distrust the United States. Trust is closely related to truth, and President Donald Trump is notoriously loose with the truth. All presidents have lied, but never on such a scale that it debases the currency of trust. International polls show that America’s soft power of attraction has declined sharply over Trump’s presidency.
Wei Xuewei, Research Fellow, Institute for International Strategy, CPC Party School
Dec 08, 2020
U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has a wealth of political experience, unlike Donald Trump. A gradual return to more normal China-U.S. relations can be expected. But some aspects of Trumpism are likely to remain for some time.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Dec 04, 2020
China-U.S. relations will likely remain strained under incoming President Joe Biden though the style and some of the substance will change. While defending U.S. security partners in Asia and seeking change in many PRC economic policies, the new team seems interested in exploring opportunities for cooperating on public health, nonproliferation, and especially climate change, under John Kerry, the first U.S. special presidential envoy for climate.
Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Int'l & Strategic Studies, CIIS
Dec 04, 2020
After waiting for the political dust to settle following the U.S. election, President Xi Jinping congratulated President-elect Joe Biden and revealed key expectations about China-U.S. relations going forward.
Su Jingxiang, Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations
Dec 04, 2020
The U.S. President-elect has articulated his approach to foreign policy — including China — and it deserves close scrutiny. Contrary to some experts, there are significant differences from Trump. The world should pay attention.
Andy Mok, Senior Research Fellow, Center for China and Globalization
Dec 04, 2020
President Xi’s speech at the G20 calls to mind the childhood fable of the Three Little Pigs, in which houses of straw and sticks could not stand against a threat. The analogy is apt, as China’s response to COVID-19 has been robust. And it’s clearly worth emulating.
Giulio Pugliese, King’s College London, War Studies
Dec 04, 2020
The 2020 US Presidential Elections and the vitriol that has followed has shown that cleavages are aplenty in U.S. politics and reflect a degree of tribalism and
Wu Baiyi, Former Director of the Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Nov 30, 2020
As the U.S. attempts to divide Chinese society, its suppression of industry, verbal attacks and ideological stigmatization all point at painful, challenging conundrums in China’s development and reforms.