Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University; Munich Young Leader 2025
Dec 14, 2021
President Joe Biden inherited his predecessor’s strategy of great power competition, but he has now changed its style and approach. No longer is it “America alone” but a new method making better use of its values, position in global governance and strategic alliances.
Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Fellow at Centre on Contemporary China and the World, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
Dec 09, 2021
The future of Sino-American relations rests with maximising the yield of what can be changed, and minimising the relevance of what can’t be changed. The multitude of differences that the U.S. and China can’t resolve must be set aside to allow for genuine change to take place.
Jin Liangxiang, Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies
Dec 09, 2021
While the United States talks about the need to prevent conflict with China, it engages purposefully in sabotage — especially regarding Taiwan and the South China Sea. While nations can design mechanisms to deal with unforeseen events, no guardrail can prevent a deliberate act.
Zhang Yun, Professor, School of International Relations, Nanjing University
Dec 09, 2021
Global leadership requires genuine followers, not propaganda. Abstract lectures on democracy don’t much interest the majority of developing countries around the globe. Democracy should aim to solve real problems not serve as pretty wrapping paper for political struggles.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Dec 08, 2021
President Joe Biden and Xi Jinping finally talked, but now comes the hard work of resolving differences and managing others to maintain the world’s most important bilateral relationship.
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Dec 08, 2021
The White House plans to host a Summit for Democracy in early December - but will the global convention produce tangible actions, or is it a spectacle of diplomacy showcasing Washington’s clout?
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
Dec 07, 2021
The United States will be under the microscope this month as the international community takes a hard look at democracy. While the Biden administration is hoping to assert moral authority, America’s troubled outcomes and geopolitical motives will be on full display.
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Dec 02, 2021
Many Europeans feel that President Biden’s focus on Asia is once again leaving the EU in the periphery. Europe will likely need to re-evaluate their foreign policy goals to make up for the shift.
Li Yan, Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Dec 02, 2021
The statement by U.S. President Joe Biden and others that America does not seek to change the Chinese system sounds good on the surface. But is it hiding an iron fist in a velvet glove?
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Nov 30, 2021
Though Xi Jingping’s absence from Glasgow’s COP26 summit has been roundly criticized, the virtual one-on-one summit between Xi and Joe Biden may have produced more actions of consequence, at a fraction of the cost.