Fu Mengzi, VP, China Institutes of Contemporary Int'l Relations
Aug 04, 2014
Challenging as it is, the creation of a new type of major-country relationship will provide a constructive model for future relations between rising powers and incumbent powers, writes Fu Mengzi.
Stephen Harner, Former US State Department Official
Jul 30, 2014
Prime Minister Abe’s reinterpretation of the Peace Constitution is partially the result of US pressure for Japan to contribute more to the alliance. Although, a more nuanced explanation is Abe’s realization that the United States would likely not risk war with China over territorial disputes and so he has taken the first step towards an independent defense posture for Japan.
Jul 30, 2014
China’s strengthening cooperation with Latin American countries will benefit regional economic prosperity and development, and is also in the interest of the US, according to Dong Chunling and Sun Changhao.
Wu Baiyi, Former Director of the Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jul 29, 2014
President Xi Jinping’s recent trip to Latin America underscored four aspects of China’s outreach efforts to Latin America. To expand South-South cooperation, to promote multi-polarity, to hedge against risks and challenges to future development by enhancing BRICS and Latin American cooperation, and to improve the provision of international public goods.
George Koo, Retired International Business Consultant and Contributor to Asia Times
Jul 25, 2014
Obama has an opportunity to break from the past and make a brilliant mark in history by curtailing his administration’s pivot to Asia, writes George Koo.
Jul 23, 2014
As the United States takes action, diplomatically and militarily, in the Asian region, the US has been seen as attempting to contain China. Justin Logan assesses this claim, and introduces the idea that the United States is indeed acting to contain China not so much economically, but militarily.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Jul 16, 2014
President Xi Jingping’s recent visit to South Korea was a rebuff to North Korea’s defiance of China’s warnings not to conduct nuclear or missile tests. If the United States incentivizes the Chinese government to incur the risks of abandoning the North Korean regime, Beijing might be willing to dump Pyongyang and treat Seoul as its future partner on the Peninsula.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Jul 15, 2014
Relations between China and South Korea continue to improve. Their two governments have developed a strong economic partnership and managed their security differences over North Korea and other issues well. Surveys of South Korean public opinion show a remarkable rise in popular assessments of China and its policies. Nevertheless, South Korea remains a reliable U.S. ally and security partner and Beijing’s options regarding Seoul are seriously constrained as long as China remains committed to sustaining North Korea as a buffer state.
Mel Gurtov, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Portland State University
Jul 15, 2014
Chinese President Xi Jinping recently made a trip to South Korea to further three objectives, according to Mel Gurtov. Given these three objectives, Gurtov analyzes and discusses their implications. More broadly, he also analyzes the implications of President Xi Jinping’s trip in general.
Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
Jul 14, 2014
While it is rumored that Chinese President Xi Jinping requested the BRICS Summit in Brazil be held in July so he could attend the World Cup, Fernando Menéndez argues that China’s president should have more on his mind than a football game and highlights the significance of the upcoming BRICS Summit.