Christopher A. McNally, Professor of Political Economy, Chaminade University
Oct 20, 2016
The critical U.S. presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton not only matters for China-U.S. relations, but also reflects how a new and potent form of isolationism is on the rise globally. Deep economic and cultural fissures are developing between those who can take advantage of globalization and those who lack the resources and skills to do so.
Brahma Chellaney, Professor, Center for Policy Research
Oct 19, 2016
Brahma Chellaney discusses the growing strategic nexus between Pakistan and China. The article outlines several instances where China has defended Pakistan on an international scale, particularly regarding Pakistan’s close ties to terrorist organizations. Pakistan, because of these ties, has caused political tensions with neighbors and the U.S., but China remains a regional ally. Chellaney also details the growing economic partnership between the nations and the implications of the “one belt, one road” project to be instituted.
Wang Yusheng, Executive Director, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
Oct 17, 2016
The rise and posture of the Philippines president is not an unpredictable eruption but the natural evolution of a changing global environment, and the result will be a more balanced and safer regional order.
Lucio Blanco Pitlo III, President of Philippine Association for Chinese Studies, and Research Fellow at Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation
Oct 17, 2016
Track II diplomacy’s results remain mixed, but it takes only one successful attempt to provide concrete and specific agenda items for formal talks. It is within this lens that the Ramos-Fu August 2016 meeting in Hong Kong could be appreciated.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Oct 14, 2016
In Europe, Asia, and South America, preferences for either Clinton or Trump differ based on the candidates’ views on trade, the economy, and foreign policy doctrine. Though Clinton is the preferred candidate in most areas, whoever the next U.S. president is will face significant challenges on several continents.
Fidel Ramos, Member, ASEAN Eminent Persons Group
Oct 13, 2016
Three months ago, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to the resources in the West Philippine Sea (also known as the South China Sea), and thus that the Philippines has exclusive rights to the territory. China rejected the ruling, and an icy chill overcame the once-friendly bilateral relationship. It is time to bring back some warmth.
Chen Jimin, Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Oct 13, 2016
Despite their differences as argued by Clinton and Trump, the televised encounter showed that protecting the interests of the United States will be the objective of whoever wins the White House.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Oct 13, 2016
Recent speeches given to the UN General Assembly by the U.S. and China illustrate sharp differences in areas such as domestic political systems, appropriate roles and relationships in world politics, and dispute resolution. Russia backed China on many points that the U.S. opposes. These disagreements will continue to play a large role in shaping the international arena.
David Shorr, a strategic thinker and veteran program manager
Oct 13, 2016
American foreign policy debates tend to focus disproportionally on the Middle East. To correct this tendency, the Obama administration’s adopted the so-called pivot to Asia (aka “rebalancing”): to refocus U.S. policy in proper proportion to the full range of the nation’s challenges and interests. Indeed, this broader perspective on today’s interconnected world and diligent approach to building the necessary coalitions, are the main elements that distinguish Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s pragmatic approach from the Republicans’ bullheaded approach.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Oct 12, 2016
Ted Galen Carpenter discusses the tensions between the U.S., China, and other Asian nations involved in the South China Sea dispute. The U.S. military policy and support initiatives regarding the Philippines, South Korea, and Vietnam are outlined, and Carpenter explains the negative effect this may have with Chinese relations. While the regional activity does appear to be balancing behavior, it also indicates that littoral states are uneasy of Beijing’ conduct in the South China Seas.