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Foreign Policy
  • John Gong, Professor at University of International Business and Economics and China Forum Expert

    Sep 27, 2019

    The Solomon Islands recently broke diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of switching relations to China. This is only the most recent loss to Taiwan’s diplomatic community, as countries increasingly see the economic and strategic benefit of siding with China. Such shifts in the geopolitics of the Pacific region arouse great concern on the part of the United States, which fears the economic and military expansion of China. Given China’s extensive shipping and trade network in the region however, China’s interest in bolstering its defense capabilities should come as no surprise.

  • Vali Nasr, Professor of International Politics, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies

    Sep 27, 2019

    China and the United States find themselves in a situation that is gradually souring, but the current US strategy towards China is not exclusively a Trumpian one.

  • Richard Javad Heydarian, Professorial Chairholder in Geopolitics, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    Sep 26, 2019

    The recent move by the Philippine government to allow the Mindanao Islamic Telephone Company to become the nation’s third telecommunications provider is yet another major step made by the Duterte administration to display its loyalty to Beijing – and another step towards untethering longstanding ties with the U.S.

  • David Firestein, President, George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations

    Sep 26, 2019

    This is no ordinary time in US-China relations. While President Trump lacks consistency, predictability, factuality on many areas in the US-China relationship, there is still a major lack of reciprocity in the US-China trade relationship. Even so, there still exists a viable pathway to a US-China relationship that is mutually beneficial and politically sustainable.

  • Dong Chunling, Deputy Director, Office of the Center for the Study of a Holistic View of National Security, CICIR

    Sep 25, 2019

    A divide is growing between veteran U.S. China policy experts and a new generation that display a far more hawkish approach. This is the result of shifts in both domestic and global contexts. Researchers can play an important diplomatic role in enhancing mutual understanding and thereby reducing tensions.

  • Chas Freeman, Senior Fellow, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

    Sep 25, 2019

    The future of Sino-American relations does not look bright from the way that America is currently approaching its disputes with China. In order to promote global peace and prosperity, China, the U.S., and the rest of the world must set aside ideological differences and focus on resolving shared issues and concerns.

  • He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences

    Sep 24, 2019

    Saudi Arabia faces the prospect of becoming engulfed in in a war with Iran before it has fully extracted itself from the conflict in Yemen. Adjustments may follow, both diplomatic and domestic.

  • Goh Chok Tong, Emeritus Senior Minister and Former Prime Minister of Singapore

    Sep 23, 2019

    Globalization has brought a new set of international issues to the table. A neutral voice of moderation that understands the world’s challenges should emerge to avoid decoupling or disaster.

  • Zhang Yun, Associate Professor at National Niigata University in Japan, Nonresident Senior Fellow at University of Hong Kong

    Sep 23, 2019

    The confrontational US attempt to strike China through technological decoupling can only reinforce the notion among Chinese that their country will have to rely on itself in the long term. Chancellor Merkel’s rhetoric was more constructive.

  • Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

    Sep 19, 2019

    President Trump’s interest in Greenland is sensible considering the strategic and economic importance of the Arctic — a region that also interests China, Russia, and other great powers, but the United States could be doing more to strengthen its ties to Denmark and its territory.

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