Hannah Feldshuh, Analyst
Nov 15, 2019
China’s pig predicament communicates the complex range of priorities in US-China trade tensions: when it comes to putting pork back on people’s plates, both American and Chinese stakeholders are aligned.
Eric Harwit, Professor, University of Hawaii Asian Studies Program
Nov 15, 2019
Concerns are rising in Washington over the Chinese app TikTok, a video-making social media platform whose popularity has boomed in the U.S. in 2019. With concerns that the app is gathering and sharing the data of American users, TikTok might be yet another casualty in the U.S.’ war on Chinese tech companies.
Jia Qingguo, Director and Professor, Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University
Nov 15, 2019
Decouple or not? That is the question in fraught China-U.S. trade tango.
Nov 12, 2019
The much-touted Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is to be signed next year, without India.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Nov 08, 2019
In the early 2000s, the BRIC economies were projected to surpass the advanced G6 economies by the early 2030s. Today, the huge potential of emerging economies prevails, but the pace has slowed and country trajectories have diverged, thanks to geopolitics.
Yu Yongding, Former President, China Society of World Economics
Nov 08, 2019
China’s GDP growth may still be strong by global standards, but the annualized rate of 6% in the third quarter of 2019 is the lowest the country has recorded since 1992. In fact, China’s GDP growth has been slowing steadily since the first quarter of 2010, when it exceeded 12%, year on year. This downward trend is riskier than many observers seem to realize.
He Yafei, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Nov 07, 2019
Its new ideas and approaches are broadly beneficial and have already involved many countries, even as the United States and others have tried to impede progress for selfish reasons.
Sara Hsu, Visiting Scholar at Fudan University
Nov 06, 2019
The Trump administration is using its blacklist as a weapon against China in the trade war, which will ultimately harm both China and the United States.
Nov 04, 2019
As China rolls out commercial 5G mobile services, Washington's blacklist presents a roadblock.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Nov 01, 2019
Between China and the US, one nation’s rise is not equivalent to the other’s demise. The United States and China must commit to each other’s prosperity if they want to reach a successful concession in their trade dispute.