Brahma Chellaney
Professor, Center for Policy Research
Feb 04, 2020
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership was set to become the world’s largest free trade agreement. But India’s withdrawal from it has thrown the negotiated trade bloc into imbalance and has underscored India’s qualms with China’s trade practices.
Aug 30, 2019
America’s apparent willingness, as part of a deal aimed at forestalling the rise of a new long-range missile threat, to accept a North Korea armed with short- to medium-range missiles is giving Japan the jitters.
Feb 15, 2019
Deng Xiaoping’s inability to truly liberalize China has imposed enduring costs on the country. Four decades after initiating economic reform, China finds itself at a crossroads, with its future trajectory uncertain.
Oct 03, 2018
China’s grandiose plans for its Belt and Road Initiative are hitting walls.
Jun 21, 2018
The specter of a U.S.-China trade war should not distract us from paying critical attention to what Beijing might have gained from the recent summit in Singapore on North Korea’s denuclearization. In fact, China is positioning itself to reap diplomatic dividends from what promises to be a long road to denuclearize North Korea.
Apr 06, 2018
The developments in the South China Sea carry far-reaching strategic implications for the Indo-Pacific and for the international maritime order. They also highlight that the biggest threat to maritime peace and security comes from unilateralism.
Nov 30, 2017
Today, the specter of a destabilizing power imbalance looms large in the world’s most dynamic region. In this light, close strategic collaboration among the major democracies can help institute power stability in the Indo-Pacific region and contain the challenges that threaten to disrupt stability and impede economic growth.
Oct 04, 2017
Given the rising prominence and influence of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Chinese President Xi Jinping is endeavoring to maintain a delicate balance between civil and military authority. His failure to reign in the increasingly assertive armed forces could have a significant and far-reaching impact on international relations and security.
Sep 14, 2017
China tactically retreated in Doklam because, beyond declaring war on India, it was running out of options. But without the distraction of a looming party congress, China could seek revenge for Doklam at a time and place of its choosing. Next time, the PLA is unlikely to make the mistake of encroaching onto an area where India enjoys the military advantage.
Jul 31, 2017
There has always been tension between China and India, but the recent standoff between troops of both armies at the border of Tibet, Bhutan, and Sikkim has only added fuel to the fire. Now, through the use of psychological warfare in addition to various other strategies, China hopes to intimidate India into backing down.