Chen Lu, Assistant Fellow, Institute of World Economic Studies, CICIR
Nov 12, 2020
As the United States repeatedly weighs in to block reasonable reforms and interfere with long-standing, consensus-based processes, China is on another track. It knows that reforms are needed and is working constructively to realize them.
Joel A. Gallo, CEO, Columbia China League Business Advisory Co.
Nov 10, 2020
The People’s Bank of China is pressing forward with a digital yuan, which leaves China’s digital currency plans significantly ahead of western nations’. While the U.S dollar has dominated global trade since WWII, the yuan, whether digital or analog, will have a leading role in challenging the hegemony of the dollar.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Nov 03, 2020
Just as China led the world in economic recovery in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008, it is playing a similar role today. Its post-COVID rebound is gathering momentum amid a developed world that remains on shaky ground. Unfortunately, this is a bitter pill for many to swallow – especially in the United States, where demonization of China has reached epic proportions.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Nov 03, 2020
Interwoven interests with the United States are a Gordian knot that cannot be cut without doing serious harm. Alarm bells are ringing in Washington.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Nov 03, 2020
This round will have special significance for the nation’s development and the world. China will achieve socialist modernization by 2035 while becoming an increasingly important part of a diverse global landscape.
Oct 31, 2020
China aims to boost per capita GDP to the level of moderately developed nations by 2035.
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Oct 28, 2020
A DC-based think tank argues that the Chinese government influences Serbia through investment. However, instead of evolving into a ‘client state,’ perhaps Serbia just shares balanced interests with Beijing.
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Oct 28, 2020
Donald Trump recently hosted a diplomatic summit between leaders from Serbia and Kosovo, touting a diplomatic achievement in a historically tense region. Upon closer examination, the proposed deal may have been a facade for plays involving China and Israel.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Oct 27, 2020
Decoupling serves neither China nor the United States. Instead, it would impose grave economic costs on both countries at best and threatens a calamitous military clash at worst.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Oct 27, 2020
China is not signaling that it favors decoupling. The world is simply returning to the era of economic sovereignty. China must act adroitly as the world’s largest supplier goods and its biggest marketplace.