Pieter Bottelier, Senior Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Apr 29, 2011
Although it would be good for China and good for the world if the RMB became a fully-fledged international reserve currency, competing with the dollar and the euro, it is not clear that China will take all measures necessary to make that possible.
Arnaud De Borchgrave, Editor at Large, Washington Times
Apr 28, 2011
While World Bank President Robert Zoellick warns that the world is "one shock away from a full-blown crisis," China has broken ground and taken over the economi
Cai Penghong, Senior Fellow, SIIS
Apr 27, 2011
The recently concluded 10th anniversary Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) was a notable landmark for the colloquium that has witnessed rapid growth in Asia since starti
Apr 24, 2011
Bail out the euro so Europeans can keep buying stuff? Lock up mineral rights around the world? Spend it on imports? Sock it away under a mattress — or in U.S.
Apr 20, 2011
China is an important overseas direct investor. But this is a recent development: before 2004, the size of Chinese overseas direct investment (ODI) was trivial.
Apr 18, 2011
Investors and pundits alike have shown unbounded excitement, and some anxiety, about China’s economic growth. Extrapolating current trends, some forecasters pr
Tao Wenzhao, Honorary Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Fellow, CASS Institute of American Studies
Apr 16, 2011
Active efforts from emerging countries contribute to good governance and fairer distribution of world's wealth The third summit meeting of BRICS countries i
Henry Paulson, Former US Secretary of Treasury
Apr 15, 2011
Henry Paulson's speech in Hong Kong: Mr. Henry Paulson Jr, 74th USTreasury Secretary was invited to a dinner event hosted by China United States Exchange Fo
Apr 11, 2011
It’s enough to give a financial journalist a case of the bends. In 1997, I covered the collapse of Asia’s emerging economies and the end, it seemed, to the “
Deng Yuwen, Deputy Chief Editor, Study Times
Apr 07, 2011
China’s Premier Wen Jiabao’s report in this year’s 12th Five-Year Plan included the main areas for future reform but it was his comment on reform and how it