Daniel McDowell
Assistant Professor, Syracuse University
Aug 07, 2013
The Chinese yuan may become a potential challenger to the U.S. dollar as the top choice of reserve currency in central banks around the world. However, for the yuan to make this move, there are several major factors, which it must address first. Daniel McDowell explores the prospects for the yuan’s potential growth.
Oct 26, 2012
Rather than leading the American public with reasoned ideas about foreign economic policy, both presidential candidates have chosen to reinforce increasingly worrisome trends in U.S. public opinion. Dan McDowell argues that 2012 is not the time for irresponsible China-bashing in American politics.
Feb 01, 2012
Nobel laureate Robert Mundell once stated that “great powers have great currencies.” Few geopolitical observers today would deny that China has now achieved
Oct 17, 2011
Last month news emerged that China was seriously considering buying sovereign bonds from distressed European economies—a move that could have buoyed financial
Sep 09, 2011
Over the past few weeks, a troubling trend is reemerging in global credit markets: as the debt crisis across the Atlantic drags on, it is getting more difficult
Jul 28, 2011
China is America’s leading foreign creditor. It came as no surprise, then, that while traveling through Asia last week U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave strong assurances to Beijing that policymakers in Washington would soon reach an agreement raising the country’s debt ceiling.