Feb 29, 2012
Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the ensuing tsunami from Wall Street that almost swamped the financial world in 2008, China has been busy signing bila
Zhou Shijian, Senior Fellow, Tsinghua Center for US-China Relations
Feb 29, 2012
Recently, the Wall Street Journal carried an article entitled, “How Much Harm Chinese Goods Can Do to America?”, relating three American researchers’ assumpt
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Feb 05, 2012
Today, fears are growing that China and India are about to be the next victims of the ongoing global economic carnage. This would have enormous consequences. As
Robert Goldberg, Principal, Scowcroft Group
Feb 03, 2012
In his January 24 State of the Union address, President Barack Obama announced plans to create a trade enforcement unit to investigate unfair trading practices
Daniel McDowell, Assistant Professor, Syracuse University
Feb 01, 2012
Nobel laureate Robert Mundell once stated that “great powers have great currencies.” Few geopolitical observers today would deny that China has now achieved
Yu Yongding, Former President, China Society of World Economics
Jan 30, 2012
The core of internationalization of the Chinese yuan, or renminbi, is liberalization of its capital account, as was revealed in China’s practices over the past
Dean Baker, Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Jan 22, 2012
Year 2012 is not likely to be very different from the recent past in U.S.-Chinese economic relations. This is in part due to the political situation with Chin
Liu Shangxi, Vice Research Director, China's Finance Ministry
Jan 06, 2012
With uncertainties growing constantly greater, the economic situation we are facing today is getting more confusing and intricate. Given this reality, how China
Anla Cheng, Partner, Sino-Century Private Equity
Dec 20, 2011
Anla Cheng of Sino-Century Private Equity and member of Committee of 100, talks about currency revaluation, bubbles, the power of SME's and upcoming changes in financial regulatory posts
Cai Penghong, Senior Fellow, SIIS
Dec 19, 2011
An important outcome of the 2011 APEC Summit is U.S. President Obama’s announcement of “broad outlines” for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) framework. At