Dean Baker, Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Sep 14, 2012
With China’s economy slowing in recent months and the US economic recovery still sluggish, both countries have emphasized trade as a means of promoting and sustaining growth. While the possibility of economic friction between China and the US certainly exists, increasing trade does not need to be a zero sum game.
Chen Weihua, Deputy Editor, China Daily USA
Sep 13, 2012
Last week at the Democratic National Convention, held in Charlotte, North Carolina, a woman peddling bumper stickers outside the event's venue shouted to pa
Tang Min, Economist & Counsellor of China's State Council
Aug 15, 2012
Different opinions have been observed as the figure of GDP for the second quarter in China —7.6% had been released. Optimists see the glass is half full, belie
Justin Yifu Lin, Former Chief Economist, The World Bank
Aug 02, 2012
Increasing pessimism about the Chinese economic outlook is emerging owing to the euro-zone debt crisis and gloomy recovery in the United States. Justin Yifu Lin, former Vice President of the World Bank, predicted that China can maintain 8-percent annual economic growth for the next two decades at a conference recently held in Beijing.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Jul 26, 2012
China’s GDP grew at 7.8% during H1, 2012, breaking the 8% psychological barrier, with Q2’s rate as low as 7.6%, the sixth consecutive quarterly slowdown. This
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Jul 24, 2012
Despite prophecies of gloom and doom, China is moving toward rebound – through stimulus lite.
Daniel Ikenson, Director, Cato Institute’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies
Jul 20, 2012
Patriotism, it has been said, is the last refuge of scoundrels. Indeed, with 86% of the American public disapproving of Congress' performance, refuge-seekin
Steven Rattner, Former Counselor to US Treasury Secretary
Jul 13, 2012
The “plum rain” that envelops Shanghai every summer – a confusing mix of drizzle, fog and smog – is a handy metaphor for the murkiness that currently enshro
Jun 19, 2012
The Atlantic Council's International Security Program hosted a conversation with Former Secretary of Treasury Hank Paulson and National Security Advisor
Ma Jun, Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science
Jun 15, 2012
Recently, there has been an increasing call from the global sphere for the Chinese government to faster globalization of the RMB, since stronger economic growth in China can also help pull the rest of the world out of its current financial slump. The next question comes to whether China is ready for the challenge in next five to ten years.