Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, COA, Washington D.C. Office
Mar 29, 2014
Trade between Brazil and China has flourished over the past decade. However, the current trade relationship may be disrupted as Brazil recognizes the benefits of adding value along its supply chain, giving way to more opportunities for the United States to build upon its economic relationship with Latin America’s largest emerging market.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Mar 17, 2014
China’s former model of growth is not sustainable and balanced. China has to shift its growth model to one that is quality-based, environment-friendly, and consumption-driven, writes He Weiwen.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Mar 15, 2014
Last year, trade between China and Africa hit a record high of $200 billion with a 44% increase in Chinese direct investment to the continent. While United States trade with the continent pales in comparison, amounting to less than $100 billion in trade annually, Sino-African trade is expected to increase as the Chinese economy and Africa’s development become further intertwined.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Mar 14, 2014
China’s long-standing advantage in cheap labor, land, resources and the environment cannot last, let alone lead to great achievements, writes Zhang Monan.
Mar 07, 2014
Asia Pacific economic cooperation is an essential part of today’s globalization process, however the process is at a crossroads with both TPP and RCEP under negotiation, write Tang Guoqiang and Wang Zhenyu.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Mar 07, 2014
Tom Watkins explores the incredible growth of China’s rail system and argues that America would be right to build reliable rail system of its own.
Michael Justin Lee, Lecturer, University of Maryland
Mar 04, 2014
Recent fluctuations in the Chinese yuan have given way to far-flung fears that the Chinese economy is faltering. However, Michael Justin Lee explains that the yuan’s fall against the U.S. Dollar was engineered by the People’s Bank of China and was necessary to reduce hot money the Chinese economy slows.
Hugh Stephens, Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Mar 01, 2014
Hugh Stephens discusses the rationale behind Canada’s recent decision to eliminate its immigrant investor and entrepreneur program, and the impact that it might have on similar US programs. The Canadian government review concluded that the investor immigrant program did not provide a good ROI for Canada. This decision, along with tighter citizenship qualification policies, will likely dampen enthusiasm for future Chinese investor immigration to Canada although other channels remain open. The termination of the Canadian program will cause increased interest in the US EB-5 visa program although absolute numbers of visas granted is unlikely to increase significantly.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Feb 28, 2014
Stephen Roach states that China's slowing GDP growth is a natural result of a rebalancing of the Chinese economy. However, China's recent economic growth has lead to an unbalanced codependency of China and the US. Thus, Roach believes that the US should adopt a new growth strategy, based on saving and investing in people, infrastructure, and capacity.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Feb 27, 2014
In Beijing, many observers regard the TPP as the economic counterpart of U.S. rebalancing in Asia to contain China’s rise. On the other hand, if Beijing would participate in the talks, it could conceivable influence both the process and the future shape of the proposed trade pact.