Walker Rowe
Publisher, Southern Pacific Review
Nov 20, 2017
Why are Chinese people are interested in buying property in Cyprus? The opportunity for permanent EU residence has attracted many Chinese investors and real estate buyers. But after the financial crash of 2008, many Chinese investors lost a lot of money, and now sales of homes in Cyprus are up and down.
Oct 26, 2016
Chinese contractors have recently built a railroad in Ethiopia that will connect it to the ocean. The railroad promises to streamline Ethiopia’s exportation process. It is hoped that this new development will boost economic growth in Ethiopia, which has recently stagnated due to a historically bad drought and increasing civil strife.
Oct 04, 2016
Greatly due to the slowdown of the Chinese economy, economic growth in the commodity-driven economies of Latin America has fallen off about half from its high point. Although the situation is not yet dire, unless these countries find a new market, their commodity-driven economies are in for a prolonged period of slower growth.
May 12, 2016
China and the U.S. are actively promoting the changes set out in the Paris Climate Agreement signed at the end of April. China’s already shut down enough coal mines to cut CO2 emissions equal to the entirety of Great Britain’s annual emissions, but what else is needed to keep under two degrees Celsius?
Mar 11, 2016
After its third infection with Zika, China is stepping up monitoring its citizens in Latin America. Globalization has made it easier for mosquitoes to move about the globe, which are spurring scientists to find solutions, such as creating genetically modified mosquitoes that render entire populations infertile.
Jan 14, 2016
Chinese mining companies in Ecuador and Peru recognize the social, environmental, and political issues which occur with significant development, and is giving back to the community by building bridges, roads, health clinics, sewers, and water systems.
Nov 06, 2015
For those who oppose the TPP, much as been made of the secret nature in which the treaty was negotiated. Walker Rowe summarizes some major sectors that will be affect by the treaty, and thus trying to influence a rather fractured and unpopular trade agreement.
Aug 19, 2015
The Chinese-backed Pacific Refinery, the largest project in Ecuador’s history, sheds light on Ecuador’s current trading relationships with the United States and China, and a region transforming with China’s loans and construction.
Jun 15, 2015
Six countries have staked out claims to terrain in Antarctica despite the1959 Antarctic Treaty stating it does “not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims.” Beyond not adhering to international law, national action in the poles is problematic for the region’s fragile ecologies and politics.
May 26, 2015
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang promised $50 billion in funding for a trans-oceanic railroad from Peru to Brazil, which politicians in Latin America have been dreaming to build for decades. However, an unforgiving geography and political disputes could prove challenging.