Zhang Yansheng
Chief Researcher, China Center for International Economic Exchanges
Mar 25, 2024
Contrary to recent forecasts by various international organizations, the author believes that China’s economy in 2024 will buck the trend and trace a new curve. Growth will reach upward toward 5 percent and beyond in 2025 as the country shakes off the lingering impact of COVID-19 and returns to an appropriate range.
Apr 29, 2020
The impact of the pandemic on China and other countries will linger long after it ends. It will lead to a dramatic reshaping of the global landscape of supply and industrial chains and the entire order of world trade. The process has already begun.
Mar 21, 2020
It’s time for the world to pull together toward the same goal. Only that will get us through the coronavirus epidemic. Failing to cooperate risks a slide into even deeper crises.
Sep 18, 2014
China is promoting economic transition and innovation to seize the new opportunities and it is willing to work with others in the region.
Jan 29, 2013
Zhang Yansheng writes that China's economy will enter an important period of transition in 2013, and that the prospect of global economic growth remains troubling.