He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Jul 24, 2014
After the 6th S&ED, both China and the Unites States are striving to intensify the Bilateral Investment Treaty negotiations. He Weiwen discusses the urgency for both sides to agree on the core issues and articles by the end of 2014 in order to promote consumer welfare and economic efficiency.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Jul 23, 2014
Since the start of the global financial crisis and the emergence of regional trade alliances in the global economy, “a currency swap network” has emerged in financial and monetary fields.
Yi Xianrong, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jul 17, 2014
After the Renminbi depreciated for five consecutive months, the market has again seen signs of a pick-up. Some analysts believe the unusual change in RMB exchange rate means the RMB has stopped depreciating and begun returning onto the track of appreciation.
Ding Yifan, China Forum Expert and Deputy Director of China Development Research Center
Jul 04, 2014
As the Chinese government has given up its large-scale economic stimulus, China’s economy and demand will not grow rapidly, writes Ding Yifan.
- Why Congress Should Pass the EB-5 Regional Center Extension Act and its Impact on Chinese Investment
Dan Redford, President, Quantify China Associates
Jul 04, 2014
It is extraordinarily important, according to Dan Redford, to permanently extend the EB-5 visa program. Redford argues that this program helps build a healthier U.S. economy, as well as strengthens the United States’ role as the world’s leading economic innovator.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Jun 20, 2014
While recent investments by Chinese firms looking to make inroads in the American automobile market, and particularly Detroit, could appear as an indication of China reaping the benefits of an economically depressed U.S. auto industry, there is also evidence that these developments are of mutual benefit to everyone involved.
Yi Xianrong, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jun 20, 2014
The decision of China’s central bank to pursue “directional drop quasi” means a reduction of the reserve requirement ratio, support will be given to the development of agriculture and small businesses, and there will be more regulation of China’s financial market. However, this quantitative policy instrument will be limited in its ability to enhance services for the real economy.
Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
Jun 16, 2014
Mexico has enormous economic potential and could play a significant role in labor-intensive production, but the cost of doing business there remains high. In breaking with the past, Mexico has opened up its economy. However, a large informal sector, low levels of commercial lending, and a lack of competition offset the benefits of Mexico’s low-cost labor.
Zhou Shixin, Research Fellow, Shanghai Institutes for Int'l Studies
Jun 12, 2014
Is the U.S. turning the World Trade Organization into an “empty house”? Zhou Shijian answers this question as he analyzes the current progress of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and U.S. trade with the Asia-Pacific.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Jun 11, 2014
In light of recent statistics regarding China’s economic growth, Zhang Monan discusses the “new normality” of Chinese economic growth. In addition to this, Monan discusses the weakening of the driving forces of net exports and its effect on economic growth in China. Moreover, Zhang Monan asserts that Chinese domestic investment is undergoing rebalancing due to a change in consumer demand.