Yin Chengde, Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies
Aug 12, 2015
Washington’s goals in the Trans-Pacific Partnership may have been economic at first, but the most recent negotiations suggest the trade agreement has become a tool of the US ‘pivot to Asia’. A symptom of its quest to contain China, it’s an unworthy goal for the US – and it’s doomed to fail.
Curtis S. Chin, Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank
Aug 12, 2015
The tremendous volatility of China’s markets has led to direct and indirect government involvement, which is ultimately a short-term fix. Beijing must re-commit to the opening of its financial markets and to a deepening of capital market reforms.
Hugh Stephens, Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Aug 11, 2015
Support for Chinese investment has been declining in Canada, particularly because of the concentration of investments in the resource sector. However, attitudes toward Asia can change, depending on the context, the question, and extraneous elements such as negative media coverage of domestic and international events.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Aug 06, 2015
Concerns about the wealth gap and debt service linger to keep the US economy from growing at its full potential.
Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong
Xiao Geng, Director of Institute of Policy and Practice at Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 06, 2015
China’s current stock market volatility, though not necessarily desirable, represents a natural market correction from its June 12 peak. The economy has undergone a standard cycle of displacement, overtrading, monetary expansion, discredit, and revulsion, all in a matter of less than 12 months.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Aug 04, 2015
The White House’s effort to hammer the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement in Maui failed. As time is running out for President Obama’s legacy achievement, both Washington and Beijing are reassessing their options.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Aug 03, 2015
Through dams, grid construction, and renewable energy technologies, China is significantly helping to address sub-Saharan African energy shortages, and help improve livelihoods.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Aug 03, 2015
The China wave will continue to roll across the globe crashing on far away shores as the 21st century unfolds. Individuals, states, and nations can do nothing and be swamped or learn to surf and ride the wave.
Jul 31, 2015
More than 60 countries and institutions have embraced President Xi Jinping’s call for connectivity programs both within Asia and between Asia and Europe, both by land and by the sea, to strengthen traditional infrastructure and build highways of trade, finance, and cultural exchange.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Jul 29, 2015
Quantitative easing (QE) is utilized by U.S. and European banks to manipulate asset prices and provide stimulus to asset-dependent economies. China’s market manipulation is no less blatant, but is distinct in its aim to promote new markets.