Colin Moreshead
Freelance Writer
Jan 17, 2017
Few recent developments in Sino-US relations, preceding the 2016 presidential election, strained the imagination. Enter Donald Trump.
Dec 07, 2016
Donald Trump's presidency could reset American presence in Asia and present China with unexpected military and economic opportunities in the region. China's leaders must prioritize their objectives to avoid alienating neighbors, but until Trump chooses his cabinet and interacts with its members, they have little idea of what to expect from the United States in the coming years.
May 18, 2016
Chinese media is already weighing in on the implications of a race between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Clinton presents to Chinese politicians an undeniably superior alternative to Trump’s loose cannon: a known entity with predictable behavior who will maintain the current tenor of bilateral diplomatic dialogue.
Apr 01, 2016
China-related messaging from both parties has been scattered, providing limited examples and talking points for economic and foreign policy discussions and rarely ever drawing connections to Chinese American voters. Republicans will continue to lose the Asian American vote if they don’t reshape their stances on immigration, trade policy and defense. Democrats can expect to keep the Asian American vote in general elections, but candidates for internal races will perform better if they court Asian Americans for the party coalition.
Jan 13, 2016
Although U.S. Republican presidential candidates have surpassed the pugnacity favored by their typically hawkish party, the candidates have been unusually soft spoken on China this year. China has been recognized by the Republicans as an adversary worthy of respect, and as a desirable partner in tackling regional problems.
Nov 03, 2015
The remainder of the U.S. election season could play out any number of ways, but it appears a safe bet that Beijing will be spared the vitriol it witnessed in recent American political contests, perhaps the result of a cooling Chinese economy or meaningful advances in the bilateral relationship under presidents Obama and Xi.
Sep 04, 2015
However unsavory the Victory Parade seems, the Chinese government is right to feel slighted by Prime Minister Abe of Japan. Using Mitsubishi Materials as an example, more Japanese companies should make conciliatory gestures for Japanese wartime conduct in exchange for continue economic benefits before the onset of a potential economic slowdown.
Apr 03, 2014
In light of recent tension in the Asia Pacific, Colin Moreshead argues that the United States should bring Japan, South Korea and China all to the table for common-ground initiatives, like fighting climate change or promoting education.
Nov 30, 2013
October’s shutdown of the US federal government elicited responses from Chinese leaders and businesses alike. These responses all seemed to send the same message – the US must get its house in order or China will not be investing in the United States much longer.
Oct 24, 2013
As Japanese Prime Minister Abe seems to have discarded his nationalist talking points in favor of a more populist platform, many wonder how China will be affected?