Yi Fan, a Beijing-based political commentator
Jan 31, 2023
To glimpse how China is perceived in the West, a good place to start would be the titles of bestsellers. In 2015, the No. 1 bestseller in the United States was The Hundred-year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower. In 2017, there was Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? And this year, a trending one is Red-handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.
Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Ye Feng, Assistant Professor and PhD, College of Foreign Studies at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Aug 26, 2022
Given the credibility problem of colonial powers, allegations about Chinese “genocide” in boarding school education are not worth a dime. The central government deserves praise, not slander, for ensuring the right to education in rural areas of Tibet and elsewhere.
Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Jun 30, 2022
Although its policy is not flawless and may not be replicable by other countries, China’s positive approach has been effective in containing threats. The biased rhetoric of some observers needs to give way to a more fair and in-depth assessment.
Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Jun 22, 2022
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken should have followed the example of the UN’s top official for human rights by making a visit of his own, instead of blindly repeating the slanders and hype of his predecessor, Mike Pompeo. That would have built Blinken’s image as a responsible diplomat.
Li Yan, Director of President's Office, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
May 31, 2022
The U.S. secretary of state restated and reinforced the Biden administration’s approach, proposing an “invest, align, compete” strategy for success over China. The speech revealed significant clues about the features of America’s basic strategic game ahead.
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
May 20, 2022
It's no surprise that America’s lies about genocide in Xinjiang did not recede after the visit by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The smearing o China’s international image will continue. But the truth will eventually prevail.
Da Mei, An international affairs observer based in Beijing
Feb 26, 2022
In the age of globalization, foreign policy sways our daily life more than people could imagine. A trade war leads to soaring price of consumer goods, which means you have to pay more for groceries, and sanctions on solar panels could mean more greenhouse gas emission, which creates greater peril of climate change. Disturbingly, Washington’s current China policy, a policy that could mean the difference between war and peace, prosperity and destitution, is based on some seriously misleading claims.
Tian Shichen, Founder & President, Global Governance Institution
Bao Huaying, Visiting Fellow, East Asia National Resource Centre of George Washington University
Jun 12, 2021
Accusing other states this crime reflects an awakening of dark memories deeply rooted in the history of Western colonialism. Atrocities throughout the whole process is marked by invasions, torture, incarceration and mass killings.
Su Jingxiang, Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations
Jun 07, 2021
Unable to shut down trade, the United States has shrewdly — if unfairly — attacked China and Russia over alleged human rights violations. But the strategy has only been destructive. Some political and business leaders in Europe have begun to worry about the potential end result.
Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
May 12, 2021
Some abrasive and unfair claims have been made in the West about China’s measures to achieve stability in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Population figures alone show conclusively that the outrageous accusation has no merit.