Su Jingxiang
Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations
Jan 03, 2022
Containment of China is a long-term U.S. strategy — one that continues to expand. Now guided by the Biden administration’s National Security Strategy, which was released in March 2021, a wide range of government departments are formulating anti-China policies. They are not going to stop.
Nov 11, 2021
Humans, according to German sociologist Friedrich Ratzel, seek prosperity on two tracks: economic and political. The former is negotiated, while the latter — the U.S. model — is often forced. This is why China is likely to prevail.
Sep 07, 2021
While other U.S. allies participated modestly in exercises in the South China Sea with a warship or two, the United Kingdom jumped in with both feet, dispatching an aircraft carrier fleet. This highlighted its special relationship with the U.S. and revealed some deeper strategic intent.
Aug 10, 2021
How things turn out will be a reflection of the success or failure of the U.S. Eurasian strategy. America aims to benefit geopolitically from continued turmoil in Afghanistan, but a common commitment to regional stability and peace by China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran can counter it.
Jul 02, 2021
In his meeting with Vladimir Putin on June 16, Joe Biden acknowledged that the U.S. should no longer talk to the Russians from a position of force. For the first time in a long time, the U.S. engaged with another country without threats. The outcome remains to be seen.
Jun 07, 2021
Unable to shut down trade, the United States has shrewdly — if unfairly — attacked China and Russia over alleged human rights violations. But the strategy has only been destructive. Some political and business leaders in Europe have begun to worry about the potential end result.
Apr 28, 2021
Japan seems developed and orderly, but that’s only its outward appearance. In truth, it is a vassal of the United States, which has adopted chaos as standard diplomatic theory. Now Japan wants to discharge radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear accident into the sea. Who will say no?
Apr 18, 2021
U.S. strategy seeks to keep other countries permanently subordinate and backward, while many — including China and Russia — aspire to an equitable and just world order with peaceful development.
Feb 24, 2021
America’s position as the world’s most powerful country is often credited to its democratic political system. However, when looking at historical trends, the U.S. may just be the latest in a string of empires whose dominance begets political turmoil at the top.
Feb 24, 2021
China was the only major economy to experience positive economic growth in 2020. This reveals China’s place in the world and the financial systems that should be avoided for the global future.