Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
Aug 25, 2016
Donald Trump’s nomination as the presumptive GOP candidate has come amid global alarm that the openly protectionist candidate will launch a series of anti-free trade initiatives if elected. However, a trade war with Mexico, and even more so with China, would have catastrophic consequences for the U.S. economy.
Timothy Webster, Assistant Professor of Law Director of Asian Legal Studies
Aug 10, 2016
Rather than focusing on the nominees’ rhetoric, Professor Timothy Webster explores their actions vis-à-vis China and the international economy during their respective careers. Whoever wins in November, the next administration will likely enact a China policy stressing economic engagement, person-to-person interaction, and cooperation on a wide range of global challenges — despite fundamental disagreements with China about a number of issues.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Jul 29, 2016
The lesson of Donald Trump and Brexit is that while elegant in theory, globalization suffers in practice. Those who worship at the altar of free trade – including me – must come to grips with this glaring disconnect.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Jul 29, 2016
The lesson of Donald Trump and Brexit is that while elegant in theory, globalization suffers in practice. Those who worship at the altar of free trade – including me – must come to grips with this glaring disconnect.
Zhang Zhixin, Chief of American Political Studies, CICIR
Jul 27, 2016
The rise in populism and nationalism could well undermine Clinton's dream to be America’s first woman president, but in this surprising year those forces provide no guarantees for Trump, either.
Zhang Zhixin, Chief of American Political Studies, CICIR
Jul 27, 2016
The rise in populism and nationalism could well undermine Clinton's dream to be America’s first woman president, but in this surprising year those forces provide no guarantees for Trump, either.
Clifford Kiracofe, Former Senior Staff Member, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Jul 14, 2016
The empire perspective thinks in hegemonic terms and emphasizes military power. The republic perspective thinks in multipolar terms and emphasizes diplomacy. These two perspectives are active in both the Democratic and Republican parties. In both parties, however, the empire perspective is dominant. Would a Trump presidency mean a continuation of the Pivot to Asia?
Chen Jimin, Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Jun 08, 2016
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee insists that promoting democracy where it’s neither familiar nor welcome has been a foolish US policy. But abandoning the norms and institutions established after World War II will diminish not only US global leadership but also the entire international system – not good news in an era of weakening global economic development and uncertain international and regional security.
Chen Jimin, Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Jun 08, 2016
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee insists that promoting democracy where it’s neither familiar nor welcome has been a foolish US policy. But abandoning the norms and institutions established after World War II will diminish not only US global leadership but also the entire international system – not good news in an era of weakening global economic development and uncertain international and regional security.
Shen Dingli, Professor, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University
May 24, 2016
Whether or not Donald Trump’s outlandish personality will carry him all the way to the White House, China-US relations and respect for China’s rise are so essential that any incoming president will act to keep the relationship stable.