Clifford Kiracofe
Former Senior Staff Member, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Sep 03, 2021
Conventional logic would say that new leadership should open a broad window to reset relationships between nations. Yet as the first 6 months of the Biden presidency shows, the story is not always so cut-and-dry.
Feb 08, 2021
North Korea’s standoffish relationship with the U.S. is often viewed in a silo - yet the hermetic country lies at the center of East Asia’s major economies. Biden’s approach to North Korea may come wrapped in regional diplomacy rather than singular overtures to the isolated nation.
Mar 12, 2019
In the wake of the Trump-Kim Summit, the US and the North Korean sides must undertake some deep reflection and must maintain contact. All is not yet lost. Recovery from the setback is possible and desirable.
Dec 19, 2018
The fentanyl issue has been used by some US politicians and media to bash China, but this issue should not be politicized. Today, cooperation in counternarcotics is managed on a professional basis through diplomacy and law enforcement interaction.
Mar 13, 2018
Can the Olympic spirit lead to a diplomatic process that will effectively promote peace and development in Northeast Asia?
Jul 14, 2016
The empire perspective thinks in hegemonic terms and emphasizes military power. The republic perspective thinks in multipolar terms and emphasizes diplomacy. These two perspectives are active in both the Democratic and Republican parties. In both parties, however, the empire perspective is dominant. Would a Trump presidency mean a continuation of the Pivot to Asia?
Apr 14, 2014
The just concluded visit of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to China may send a signal that developing a new type of major power relationship is not a near-term possibility. The zero-sum Cold War mentality of Washington elites, together with present-day alliance structures, may prove an insurmountable barrier, writes Clifford A. Kiracofe.
Dec 03, 2013
Washington's maladroit handling of China's newly announced Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) unnecessarily muddies the waters and raises tensions over the East China Sea. Rather than reacting calmly in a diplomatic manner, the US immediately militarized the situation by sending B-52 bombers into China's zone.