Jiang Shixue, Professor and Director, Center for Latin American Studies, Shanghai University
Feb 15, 2018
Is the Monroe Doctrine back?
Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, COA, Washington D.C. Office
Jun 26, 2017
The United States, China, and other nations are now faced with the decision as whether they will work together to put Venezuela on a more sustainable political and economic course. At some point soon, Beijing will have to determine whether China stands a better chance of realizing its fundamental interests by supporting Maduro or by working with the international community to press for change.
Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, COA, Washington D.C. Office
Dec 22, 2016
China’s entry into Latin America since the beginning of the century has altered regional dynamics, providing opportunities for Latin American and Caribbean nations to diversify beyond a traditional reliance on the U.S. market. As the United States pulls up hemispheric stakes on trade, China is already positioning itself to rush in.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Jun 08, 2015
With good reason, Chinese leaders wonder whether the pivot to Asia is the initial stage of a containment policy directed against their country. Similarly, U.S. officials are likely to become concerned about China’s attention and investment in Latin America, not helped by suspicions about China’s intentions in the South China Sea.
Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, COA, Washington D.C. Office
May 08, 2015
China’s expanding engagement with Latin American and the Caribbean has mostly in the form of massive investment and financial assistance – “checkbook diplomacy” – which contrasts with the emphasis on governance issues like democracy, human rights, corruption, and the rule of law that comes with economic reliance on Washington.
Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
Jan 21, 2015
Obama’s announcement to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba is not an absolute opening of trade, which is still privileged to U.S. agro-export, telecommunication, and financial industries. China on the other hand is Cuba’s second largest importer, with investments in petroleum, tourism, nickel, and infrastructure – all of which could prove beneficial once American firms and consumers are allowed to enter the Cuban economy.
Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, COA, Washington D.C. Office
Apr 23, 2014
US and China are engaging Latin America in different ways. While the US is attempting to rebuild relationships that have been strained recently, China has engaged in economic activities with countries in the region. Although China has invested heavily and is influential in the region, it has not led to increased tensions or competition between China and the US.