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Syria Crisis
  • Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University

    Mar 03, 2017

    Having enjoyed the fruits of globalization as it has built its strong economy, China has assumed more responsibility in the world. Its military operations overseas have been humanitarian in nature, from disaster relief, peacekeeping, countering piracy and evacuation of personnel. China’s neutral but all-round approach to the Syrian issue, when it has no self-interest, suggests how a stronger China might act in the days to come.

  • Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

    Jan 05, 2017

    Western overconfidence cost President Obama and US allies the chance to shape the resolution of the Syrian crisis. Turkey’s realignment with Russia and Iran on the issue is a game-changer, for no neighboring countries of Syria can replace the role of Turkey for the Western alliance.

  • Wu Sike, Member on Foreign Affairs Committee, CPPCC

    Dec 14, 2016

    War displaces people and breeds refugee crises. For the Middle East, which has long been plagued by continuing violence and conflicts, it is urgent to end the wars and safeguard the peace. China-US cooperation can play an important role to facilitate post-war reconstruction and create a survivable environment for local residents, so that violence and conflict will not occur again.

  • Yun Sun, Director of the China Program and Co-director of the East Asia Program, Stimson Center

    Nov 09, 2016

    Forty percent of China’s total ten vetoes ever casted at the UN Security Council have been on Syria, making it the most-vetoed issue of all time for China. The four vetoes and most recent abstention from the French-drafted resolution underscore China’s increasingly assertive stance on state sovereignty, territorial integrity and its repulsion to foreign interference.

  • Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

    Oct 11, 2016

    The anticipated defeat of the Islamic State is not likely to mean calm in the region, since thousands of disaffected jihadist fighters will be scattered and looking for new opportunities to spread their ideology. Meanwhile, the newly energized Kurds – key players in the war against IS – will have political demands that will be difficult to satisfy, and may lead to new conflicts.

  • He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences

    Oct 28, 2016

    Both Russian and the West have lost face in this typical lose-lose situation. Moscow and Washington need to rebuild trust, reactivate the process of political resolution and produce a single draft resolution based on full consultation and the most expansive common ground among all parties.

  • Jin Liangxiang, Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies

    Sep 15, 2016

    Constructive mediation rather than military intervention is urgently needed, but first all parties must be realistic about the situation on the ground, and open to a political transition through negotiation.

  • Wu Sike, Member on Foreign Affairs Committee, CPPCC

    Feb 17, 2016

    The first round of the talk between the Syrian government and opposition parties is expected to be held for two to three weeks, discussing the political process, ceasefire, provisions for humanitarian assistance, and the fight against terrorism. The good news is that Russia and the United States have reached common ground in their mediation efforts.

  • Shen Dingli, Professor, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University

    Dec 23, 2015

    Presently, public sentiment to minimize the risk of terror is on the rise, one of the factors prompting the US to reassess its strategic goals in the Middle East. The result is a more united front in the war against terrorism.

  • Reuters,

    Dec 21, 2015

    China will invite members of the Syrian government and opposition to visit as Beijing looks for ways to help with the peace process, China's Foreign Ministry said on Monday. The U.N. Security Council on Friday unanimously approved a resolution endorsing an international road map for a Syrian peace process, a rare show of unity among major powers on a conflict that has claimed more than a quarter of a million lives. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, citing Foreign Minister Wang Yi's comments at the United Nations over the weekend, said China would "soon" invite the Syrian government and opposition figures to China. This is part of China's efforts to play a constructive role in promoting a political resolution to the crisis, Hong added.

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