Lu Chuanying, Fellow and Secretary-general of the Research Center for the International Governance of Cyberspace, SIIS
Oct 02, 2021
Meng Wanzhou’s release, along with Canada’s two Michaels, breaks a deadlock in a geopolitical tug-of-war. It presents an opportunity to restore mutual trust between China and the U.S. in the sci-tech sector. A crackdown on China now would be ill-timed.
Einar Tangen, Host of the OnAsia Vcast
Oct 02, 2021
The sordid tale of a Huawei executive — held hostage in Canada under pressure from the United States — ends with a whimper, not a bang. And the world is worse off for it. Yet the aimless machinations of a wayward superpower continue.
Sep 28, 2021
The release could serve to ease the tense relations with Beijing.
Dan Dong, A Correspondent of the Vancouver-based newspaper Global Chinese Press
Aug 18, 2021
The Art of the Deal. The title of Donald J. Trump’s first-ever book, published in 1987, and indeed, words to live by for the former US President.
Victor Zhikai Gao, Chair Professor at Soochow University, Vice President of CCG
Aug 03, 2021
If the U.S. ally plays politics in its courts, other countries may follow its lead. Canada won’t look good if China and the U.S. decide to cut a deal regarding the extradition of Meng Wanzhou. It will be left out in the cold with a big boomerang knot on its head.
Victor Zhikai Gao, Chair Professor at Soochow University, Vice President of CCG
Jul 16, 2021
There is just one conclusion to be drawn from the geopolitical confusion created by Washington’s maximum confrontation policy: Rather than war, China and America are actually destined for peace. This is the true mega trend in bilateral relations.
Tai Hingshing, Senior Fellow, Convener of Hong Kong Academia
Jul 06, 2021
A trove of HSBC material consisting of more than 300 pages of emails and documents from HSBC have been revealed recently. It is part of a long-running extradition battle over Ms Meng Wan Zhou, the CFO of Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.
Atul Dalakoti, Executive Director, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Jul 05, 2021
Meng Wanzhou, on a routine stopover at Vancouver airport, was arrested in December 2018, starting a long drawn extradition process to the U.S. for Bank fraud by
Victor Zhikai Gao, Chair Professor at Soochow University, Vice President of CCG
Einar Tangen, Host of the OnAsia Vcast
Nov 20, 2020
Given the many holes in the bungled extradition case of Meng Wanzhou in Canada, including conflicting testimony and political entanglements, the matter should be dismissed. This case should never have been brought.
Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University; Munich Young Leader 2025
Aug 14, 2020
In weaponizing his rhetoric against China, the U.S. president may be digging himself into hole. Young people are not likely to take kindly to the undermining of their free speech. And now they can vote.