Jan 11, 2018
Canada has launched a wide-ranging trade complaint against the United States, the World Trade Organization said on Wednesday.
Christopher A. McNally, Professor of Political Economy, Chaminade University
Sep 19, 2017
It seems as if U.S. President Donald Trump is intent on perpetrating a dangerous fallacy: to impose tariffs on American imports to lower the trade deficit. These moves are coming despite the fact that the most prominent critic of China’s trade practices in the U.S. administration, Steven Bannon, has left the White House. Why is the Trump administration so enamored by tariffs, a trade policy more commonly employed a hundred years ago?
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Jun 15, 2017
China has an increasing opportunity to share global leadership. Unless the U.S. recognizes U.S.-China relations as a positive-sum game, China may eventually surpass the U.S. economically through global leadership and innovation.
Vasilis Trigkas, Visiting Assistant Professor, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University
Apr 03, 2017
Could Trump like Richard Nixon “echo like thunder” by unilaterally announcing a high tariff regime to balance U.S. trade deficit and break the WTO system? While some of Trump’s advisors would wave their heads affirmatively, the institutional and commercial leverage of the U.S today is much inferior from Nixon’s America that bended Europeans to follow her unilateral demands.
Jan 18, 2017
Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his unprecedented appearance at the World Economic Forum in Davos, calls for new models of global growth, cooperation, governance and development.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Dec 20, 2016
Shelving the TPP could create opportunity to accelerate the FTAAP, working in line with high-standard trade rules, committing to new international trade rules and basing the FTAAP on the next trade mode.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Dec 13, 2016
In today’s world trade, the production process — from product design, raw material procurement, financing, manufacturing, final assembly, marketing and logistics — normally stretches across many countries. Many products in international trade are known as “global products”. Globalization has produced huge cost-savings on industrial and consumer goods at every level, and any effort to restrict American businesses to sourcing and production in the US will shrink the domestic economy instead of expanding it.
Sep 20, 2016
Peru's new president said Monday it was "worrisome" that China is not part of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership but his government would seek ratification for U.S. President Barack Obama's signature trade deal.
Sep 08, 2016
China's imports unexpectedly rose in August for the first time in nearly two years, boosted by coal and other commodities, suggesting domestic demand may be picking up and putting the world's second-largest economy on a more balanced footing.
Sep 01, 2016
U.S. President Barack Obama will urge leaders of the world's major economies to use fiscal policy and other tools to boost growth while paying more attention to angry citizens who feel left behind, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Wednesday.