Wu Zurong, Research Fellow, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
May 08, 2019
American leadership helped build the multilateral world order after World War II, but now US unilateralism — spurred by domestic partisan divisions — is undermining the UN, the WTO, and accords on Iran and climate change. US allies’ continued cooperation on a successor to the TPP, and China’s proposed Belt and Road Initiative, show that the world will continue down a multilateral path, no matter if the US swerves off onto a unilateralist road.
Wu Zhenglong, Senior Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies
Apr 30, 2019
The Trump administration’s “America First” style of unilateralism has alienated even longtime European allies. The leaders of France, Germany, the EU Commission, and China have all pledged themselves to support multilateralism — in a sign of the times, Trump’s America is left out in the cold.
Zhu Feng, Director, Institute of International Studies, Nanjing University
Apr 30, 2019
Huge changes are taking place in Western politics: unprecedentedly young or inexperienced leaders have taken power in Canada, France, Austria, Ukraine, the US, and beyond. This shift shows Western voters’ increasing dissatisfaction with traditional elites and modes of governance. While “new faces” may offer the possibility of reform, the result of inexperienced leadership, especially in the US, has been disruption and chaos.
Wang Yiwei, Jean Monnet Chair Professor, Renmin University of China
Apr 24, 2019
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is putting forward an alternative vision of global economic development to help developing countries escape poverty, and help developed countries head off inequality and populist challenges. But the US seems poised to squander its chance to participate and thereby shape this future of infrastructure, inclusivity, and innovation.
He Yafei, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apr 23, 2018
The US has to come to grips with the changed balance of power and accept the coming of a “new era” in international relations and global governance.
Su Jingxiang, Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations
Feb 12, 2018
The US has fallen into the hands of a wealthy predator class that controls the government.
Chen Zinan, Assistant Researcher, Maritime Strategy Studies, CICIR
Feb 09, 2018
China’s involvement in Arctic affairs can bring the region new impetus and new opportunities for development.
Fan Gaoyue, Guest Professor at Sichuan University, Former Chief Specialist at PLA Academy of Military Science
Feb 08, 2018
Labeling China and Russia revisionist powers is a declaration of a new Cold War.
Lu Chen, Consultant, United Nations
Feb 08, 2018
If effective policy measures can't be taken to contain it, the risks to the world economy caused by the escalation of protectionism could severely disturb the world in 2018.
Amy Zhao, M.A. Student, NYU Washington Square
Feb 07, 2018
It is clear from this year’s Davos conference that while America has shifted its attention from maintaining the world order to strengthening its domestic economics, China is making use of the “leadership vacuum” and trying to convince the world that it is qualified.