Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Jan 07, 2014
China needs to review its liberalization financial policies, especially the pace of the liberalization of capital accounts, writes Zhang Monan. 2014’s changing global currency financial environment may bring huge risk premiums to China.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Oct 04, 2013
Attending his first multilateral summit since becoming president in March, Xi Jinping held a series of important multilateral and bilateral meetings at the G20. Without attracting much attention, Chinese foreign policy has been on a roll since last month’s summit.
Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
Jul 31, 2013
Responding to The Economist’s editorial, “The Great Deceleration,” Fernando Menéndez calls for an end to “the tired old muddle of warmed-over Keynesian” analysis; instead, encouraging a more sophisticated approach with a new perspective to analyze emerging economies.
Joshua Kurlantzick, Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
Apr 29, 2013
In the wake of the global economic crisis, and the dissatisfaction with democracy in many developing nations, leaders in Asia, Africa, and Latin America are studying the Chinese model far more closely.
Michael Justin Lee, Lecturer, University of Maryland
Jan 22, 2013
As masters of the universe prepare to meet in Davos, Switzerland for the 11th annual World Economic Forum, pessimism must not characterize perceptions of China.