Brantly Womack, Professor, University of Virginia
Dec 14, 2023
The Indo-Pacific aims to contain China's influence but struggles with unclear membership and diverse objectives. By contrast, the economic region of Pacific Asia, centered on China, emphasizes interdependence, but grapples with political uncertainties due to concerns about overreliance on China. The member states of both have agency and will pursue their own interests, but China’s behavior will likely determine which grouping has the greater strategic salience.
Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Fellow at Centre on Contemporary China and the World, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
Nov 03, 2023
Southeast Asia’s geographic location and burgeoning economy puts them in the center of strategic plans by neighboring China, and rivalling U.S.-interests. The path forward for the region’s states will demand acute political maneuvering.
Richard Javad Heydarian, Professorial Chairholder in Geopolitics, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Oct 20, 2023
Indonesia is one of the world’s most populous nations, and is rising in regional and international influence. Taking charge as ASEAN chairman amid a contentious time among member states is Indonesia’s chance to prove its ability to lead Southeast Asia and the world in the coming decades.
Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa, Geopolitics Analyst in EU-Asia Relations and AsiaGlobal Fellow, The University of Hong Kong
Sep 29, 2023
Since the end of World War II, the West’s hegemonic power has been synonymous with the NATO alliance. Decades later, the scope of NATO’s cause has expanded far beyond the “North Atlantic,” and is now locking horns with an ascendant China.
Richard Javad Heydarian, Professorial Chairholder in Geopolitics, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sep 22, 2023
Tensions are continuing to escalate in the South China Sea, specifically with the Second Thomas Shoal dispute between the Philippines and China. And in response to China's actions, the Philippines' are shifting towards stronger defense ties with the U.S., including potential joint patrols and resupply missions. If careful diplomacy is not employed, there could be a potential crisis and risk of armed clashes in the South China Sea.
Li Yan, Director of President's Office, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Sep 21, 2023
First used by American political activist Carl Oglesby during the Vietnam War era, the concept expanded rapidly in academic circles in the United States and Europe. The U.S. and others have attempted to exclude China from the list.
He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences
Sep 21, 2023
China welcomed the addition of the African Union as a full member — a move that will further elevate the representation and voice of the Global South in international governance and contribute to further global democratization. This is precisely what China has been striving for.
Chen Jimin, Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Sep 08, 2023
Countries in the group are playing an increasingly vital role in international affairs and have become an integral part of existing international multilateral mechanisms. Now the group is expanding to include even more.
Li Yan, Director of President's Office, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Sep 05, 2023
The deepening trilateral collaboration of the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea is undermining stability on the Korean Peninsula, and recent provocative actions, will only serve to escalate tensions further. In addition, harsh rhetoric erodes the fragile trust of nations and could result in a generalized sense of insecurity.
Zhai Kun, Professor at School of International Studies; Deputy Director of Institute of Area Studies, Peking University
Yin Ke, PhD candidate at the School of International Studies, Peking University
Sep 05, 2023
The ongoing Second Thomas Shoal incident could trigger misjudgments and a wider conflict. Keeping the peace will require a comprehensive approach to crisis management, especially where foundational principles are involved.