Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
Dec 14, 2022
China has not taken sides over the Russia-Ukraine conflict for good reason. It is Russia’s strategic partner and Ukraine’s largest trading partner. At the same time, China and the West are not enemies. We must coexist despite our differences.
Zhong Yin, Research Professor, Research Institute of Global Chinese and Area Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University
Dec 14, 2022
As the United States attempts to merge Europe and Asia into a systemic whole for the purpose of dealing with China and Russia, much more concerted activity can be expected.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Dec 02, 2022
The DPRK places Northeast Asia at risk, and their current military trajectory could pose problems for the PRC as well as the U.S. and its allies. So despite their fundamental differences, it’s in the best interests of both Washington and Beijing to find opportunities to cooperate to promote regional stability.
Ji Shen, Independent Commentator
Nov 24, 2022
To answer, it is essential to place Russia’s motives in historical context. Since the conflict is essentially between Russia and NATO, the West must be willing to negotiate. Otherwise the struggle will be protracted, with no end in sight.
Wang Fudong, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of International Economics and Politics, Shandong Academy of Social Sciences
Nov 24, 2022
The United States and its allies are less interested in solving the problem than they are in containing China. But even if conflict is avoided, the intensification of a new cold war in Northeast Asia and the rising risk of nuclear proliferation do not bode well for the future.
Nov 24, 2022
This is a highlight moment for ASEAN, with the ASEAN Summit, the G20 Summit and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting coming soon. By hosting these events, ASEAN will be able to demonstrate to the world its strong will and capability to unite the region and provide new impetus for the post pandemic recovery.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Nov 15, 2022
Not so long ago, Australia was known for its booming economy and balanced foreign policy. Today its economy is stagnating, while the U.S. Big Defense casts a dark shadow over its foreign policy - as evidenced by nuclear escalation.
Zhai Kun, Professor at School of International Studies; Deputy Director of Institute of Area Studies, Peking University
Oct 12, 2022
Three primary U.S. goals have their limitations. While it currently enjoys an internal bipartisan consensus on China, diplomatic and security problems, loopholes and contradictions exist for many countries in the region. The U.S. seeks to adjust the system to its advantage.
Xiao Bin, Deputy Secretary-general, Center for Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies, Chinese Association of Social Sciences
Oct 03, 2022
The war in Ukraine, whether short or long-term, doesn’t serve China’s national interests. While China and Russia are strategic partners, so are China and Ukraine, which agreed in 2013 to preserve national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Thus, for China, the only path forward is peace.
Richard Javad Heydarian, Professorial Chairholder in Geopolitics, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sep 30, 2022
As a former U.S. colonial subject, the Philippines has retained close cultural and official ties to Washington. The new Philippine president, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., has shown that he intends to deviate from his predecessor’s distancing from the United States by rebuilding relations with the West while simultaneously drawing closer to Asian nations - including China.