Steven Rattner, Former Counselor to US Treasury Secretary
Jul 13, 2012
The “plum rain” that envelops Shanghai every summer – a confusing mix of drizzle, fog and smog – is a handy metaphor for the murkiness that currently enshro
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
May 02, 2012
For too long, the United States has allowed its fixation on the renminbi’s exchange rate to deflect attention from far more important issues in its economic relationship with China. For a growth-starved US, the opportunities for access to China’s markets far outweigh the currency threat.
Ruchir Sharma, Head of Emerging Market Equities, Morgan Stanley
Apr 28, 2012
More than one-half of Americans think China is already the world’s leading economy – an astonishing misperception, given that China’s gross domestic product
Yu Nanping, Professor, East China Normal University
Apr 10, 2012
For the purpose of curbing the excessive rise of housing prices, the Chinese government came forward in 2010 with a series of macro regulation and control measu
Xu Mingqi, Deputy Director, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Apr 04, 2012
The Chinese economy continues to be a hot topic in international media forums as its export growth rate starts to decline due to the dark economic clouds hangin
Brahma Chellaney, Professor, Center for Policy Research
Apr 04, 2012
As it prepares to hold its latest annual summit in New Delhi on March 28-29, the BRICS grouping – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – remains a c
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Feb 05, 2012
Today, fears are growing that China and India are about to be the next victims of the ongoing global economic carnage. This would have enormous consequences. As
Anla Cheng, Partner, Sino-Century Private Equity
Dec 20, 2011
Anla Cheng of Sino-Century Private Equity and member of Committee of 100, talks about currency revaluation, bubbles, the power of SME's and upcoming changes in financial regulatory posts
Nov 10, 2011
China does not need to worry about a hard landing of its economy. Having operated at an unhealthily high speed for years, however, the Chinese economy has arriv
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Oct 18, 2011
China’s economy is slowing. This is no surprise for an export-led economy dependent on faltering global demand. But China’s looming slowdown is likely to be b