Shen Dingli, Professor, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University
Dec 22, 2014
The commitments made at the Xi-Obama summit to reduce CO2 emissions are significant yet challenging for both nations to carry out over the next decade. The U.S. faces a more conservative Congress, and China faces the daunting task of creating to hydro and wind energy sources at a large enough scale. Both sides need to deliver, lest one side fault the other for not fulfilling their commitment.
Stewart Taggart, Founder & Principal, Grenatec
Dec 17, 2014
China’s decision to ban coal-fired power plants in Beijing by 2020 marks a big advance in battling climate change. Stewart Taggard argues that this is the first step in a long march toward wider application of ‘energy by wire.’
Britt Crow-Miller, Assistant Professor, Portland State University, Oregon, USA
Dec 11, 2014
The South-North Water Transfer Project represents an impressive feat in human engineering to bring between 4 and 20 percent of Yangzi river water to the water-scarce North China. However, as Britt Crow-Miller warns, the “band aid” solution could have lasting negative effects for South China communities in years to come.
Nov 18, 2014
History has no on-off buttons. Change is never instantaneous. But President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent accord on greenhouse gases m
Nov 18, 2014
The agreement between President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping of China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the most important advance in the several d
Nov 18, 2014
President Obama over the weekend made a bizarre decision to attack and damage his closest ally in Asia, and one of the most committed supporters of U.S. foreign
Nov 17, 2014
Since the failure of the 2009 climate summit in Copenhagen, both the United States and China have largely retreated from big international agreements, each wait
Steven Hill, Senior Fellow, FairVote
Nov 17, 2014
Since China and the United States are the two biggest national emitters of carbon, the recently announced bilateral agreement is considered essential to concluding a new global accord, because unless Beijing and Washington can resolve their differences, few other countries will agree to mandatory cuts in emissions.
Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies, Lau China Institute at King's College, London
Nov 15, 2014
The consensus amongst the political elite in China since the 11th Five Year Programme issued in 2006 has been that climate change is a reality, and that its fiercest impact will fall on their country unless something is done.
Nov 10, 2014
The annual APEC Economic Leader's Meeting kicks off on Monday in Beijing, and this event will surely focus on global economic recovery. Many people all over