Qin Xiaoying, Research Scholar, China Foundation For Int'l and Strategic Studies
Sep 29, 2014
As the anti-corruption drive cuts through China’s officialdom, dealing fatal blows to both “tigers and flies” at both the higher and grassroots levels, there is a rising demand for institutional reform in managing officials, writes Qin Xiaoying.
Zhang Yansheng, Chief Researcher, China Center for International Economic Exchanges
Sep 18, 2014
China is promoting economic transition and innovation to seize the new opportunities and it is willing to work with others in the region.
Curtis S. Chin, Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank
Sep 15, 2014
Curtis S. Chin, former U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, describes how fighting corruption differs in China and the United States while examining Chinese President Xi Jinping’s push to rid the Communist Party of corruption.
Tong Zhiwei, Professor, East China University of Political Science and Law
Aug 28, 2014
The downfall of Zhou Yongkang and Xu Caihou is of great practical significance, as it sets a new milestone in China’s deepening anti-graft campaign and clears way for the rule of law, writes Tong Zhiwei.
Ding Yifan, China Forum Expert and Deputy Director of China Development Research Center
Aug 13, 2014
While the global economic recovery is still weak and people are looking for a better market, the reform of Chinese SOEs and the opening of Chinese capital is positive news, writes Ding Yifan.
Ryan McElveen, Associate Director, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
Jul 17, 2014
The purge of China’s highest-ranking general to be expelled from the party affirms that Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign is the boldest and most serious that China has ever experienced, write Cheng Li and Ryan McElveen.
Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
May 16, 2014
Is Cuba actually following the “China model” of economic reform and development? While Cuba indeed has been influenced by China’s rapid economic growth, Fernando Menéndez argues that Cuba’s moves are a retreat by the state from certain economic activities, it is still far from the Chinese model.
Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College
May 09, 2014
Following the official announcement of Mr. Li Chuncheng’s expulsion from the Communist Party, Minxin Pei applauds Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption drive and urges China’s new leader to go further by taking on China’s culture of corruption.
William Antholis, Managing Director, Brookings Institution
Apr 29, 2014
Among the most significant developments driving China’s economic growth and rising living standards is the shift from a rural, agricultural society to a modern, urban one. With almost 700 million Chinese – more than half of the population – already living in cities, the centrality of urbanization to China’s future is indisputable. But exactly how the trend will develop remains far from certain.
Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College
Apr 11, 2014
While Xi Jinping’s reform agenda has consisted of two seemingly separate initiatives, Minxin Pei points out that far-reaching economic reforms and an anti-corruption drive are intrinsically linked because market-oriented reforms are necessary in order to reduce the opportunities for abuse of power, and vice versa.