Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Oct 04, 2013
Attending his first multilateral summit since becoming president in March, Xi Jinping held a series of important multilateral and bilateral meetings at the G20. Without attracting much attention, Chinese foreign policy has been on a roll since last month’s summit.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Sep 10, 2013
Both the US and China, as the world two largest economies and members of G20, share a strong responsibility in supporting the common goal of establishing a job-rich, strong, sustainable and balanced growth path, writes He Weiwen.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Aug 13, 2013
Chen Xiangyang analyzes the growing pains of emerging nations, and suggests that China must learn from other countries' "mistakes" and make sure not to repeat them by doing everything necessary to ensure its own lasting political stability and social harmony.
Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
Jul 31, 2013
Responding to The Economist’s editorial, “The Great Deceleration,” Fernando Menéndez calls for an end to “the tired old muddle of warmed-over Keynesian” analysis; instead, encouraging a more sophisticated approach with a new perspective to analyze emerging economies.
Chen Jimin, Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Jul 31, 2013
Following President Obama’s most recent trip to Africa, it is necessary to examine the United States’ Africa policy. Noting the core interests and efforts of the Obama administration in Africa, Chen Jimin explains there is room for cooperation on the continent based upon the shared interests of China and the United Sates.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Jul 23, 2013
President Obama has refused to be intimidated by China’s influence in Sub-Saharan Africa, visiting the same number of African nations in June and July as his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping, visited in March. As the Obama administration attempts to portray the continent as an area for investment, Robert Rotberg explains the competing interests in the region.
He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences
Jul 17, 2013
Obama’s recent rhetoric about China and other emerging countries’ entry into Africa has been quite encouraging and can be seen as an important step forward for future US-China cooperation in Africa, writes He Wenping.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
May 24, 2013
Meeting with Mozambican President Armando Guebuza in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping continues to cement China’s economic and trade relations with emerging economies in Africa. As China’s investment in the continent continues to increase, Professor Robert Rotberg examines how natural gas deposits in Mozambique will shape China’s future in the region.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Apr 11, 2013
African leaders praised President Xi Jinping’s trip to the Fifth BRICS Summit, highlighting the close ties between China and sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the warm welcome, Professor Robert Rotberg warns that Xi’s ties to autocrats could harm China’s future prospects on the continent. As Xi cracks down on internal corruption, should he also reevaluate the corrupt practices of his African peers?
Fu Mengzi, VP, China Institutes of Contemporary Int'l Relations
Apr 02, 2013
President Xi Jinping's state visit to Russia, Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of Congo, and his participation in the fifth BRICS summit in Durban has sparked speculation over China's diplomatic inclinations among some circles overseas.