Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Nov 11, 2021
Oddly, President Biden has claimed on several occasions that he hoped competition with China would not veer into conflict. But Washington-style competition means a race to the bottom — and possible peril.
Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University; Munich Young Leader 2025
Liu Yuning, a PhD candidate, China Foreign Affairs University
Nov 11, 2021
The United States has begun to consolidate a Western consensus in many respects, but its competitive perspective on global issues will eventually cost it credibility and appeal in the field of climate governance.
Li Yan, Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Nov 03, 2021
While a recent speech by U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Chi Tai was filled with accusations and predictable slanders against China, it also reflected a somewhat more nuanced trend, showing that America is attempting to moderate relations.
Sourabh Gupta, Senior Fellow, Institute for China-America Studies
Oct 26, 2021
Though the Biden administration has promised that a comprehensive policy on trade with China would be produced, it is looking more and more like they intend to piece together Trump-era actions under their name.
Li Yan, Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Oct 18, 2021
Over several decades, the U.S. has emphasized crisis management with China, mostly for tactical reasons. Now, the Biden administration’s emphasis is clearly strategic. The U.S. wants to be in a position to constrain China’s policy options, while tilting the playing field toward its own interests.
Nie Wenjuan, Deputy Director of Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University
Oct 07, 2021
Speeches by Xi Jinping and Joe Biden laid out their understanding of the international political order from the perspective of their own national history. Developed nations in the West may identify with the U.S. vision, while developing nations may find the Chinese vision more attractive.
Junyang Hu, Research Associate for U.S.-China PAX sapiens, One Earth Future Foundation
Oct 02, 2021
As the United States redistributes resources in response to complex dynamics with regard to China, its approach is likely to be an evolutionary, full-spectrum endeavor that goes beyond the military alone. It’s a posture that will be difficult to maintain and one that could even create chaos.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Sep 25, 2021
Trade between China and the United States is growing, defying a disabling global pandemic and the Trump tariffs. The continuation of the Trump trade policy will only lead to a dead end.
Cui Liru, Former President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Sep 18, 2021
The U.S. president’s hands are tied by Democrats’ slim majority in Congress, and Republican are piling on the pressure ahead of elections. So it will be tough for the U.S. to change its policy course anytime soon, so long as those in policymaking circles stick to their views.
Jul 27, 2021
The Group of Seven (G7) Leadership Summit held last June was stated to be an occasion for the Western leaders to “reestablish” the international order after the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also for the U.S. to demonstrate its return “back at the table”.