Zhao Weibin, Researcher, PLA Academy of Military Science
Mar 13, 2013
The stronger the Sino-US bridge built for cooperation, the more peaceful the waters will be, and the more stable and prosperous the Asia-Pacific region will become, writes Zhao Weibin.
Elliot Brennan, Project Coordinator, Institute for Security and Development Policy
Mar 08, 2013
Energy has long been both the bane and the favored instrument in the foreign policy of governments. Yet, for the US, fortunes are changing and the goal of former President Nixon’s Project Independence looks soon to be realized.
Feb 27, 2013
With its growing purchasing power, China has to decide if it seeks to become a hegemon, says Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew. Lee believes that Chinese leadership will avoid military confrontations with the US as they recognize that China is better off gaining economical influence and hopes the two nations will aim for compromises when agreements cannot be reached.
Wang Yusheng, Executive Director, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
Feb 22, 2013
Although Japanese PM Abe has been in office for less than two months, he has vowed to strengthen the US-Japan alliance to respond to the “threats” of China and North Korea. However,he has never explained exactly how he intends to strengthen the US-Japan alliance or what it means today.
Donald Gross, Senior Associate, Pacific Forum of CSIS
Jan 11, 2013
President Barack Obama’s cabinet shakeup could be a step toward improving Sino-US relations with his appointment of Senator John Kerry and former Senator Chuck Hagel as secretary of state and secretary of defense respectively.
Dec 27, 2012
The United States has a huge and growing stake in the Asia-Pacific region, one that offers great promise for the American economy through trade and investment
Li Junru, VP, CPC Party School
Dec 20, 2012
Following the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a new guiding ideology has been adopted to ensure China continues its peaceful development while driving the world economy.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Dec 18, 2012
Following his participation at a dialogue at the Chinese Embassy, Richard Weitz highlights the most interesting themes that emerged from that conversation.
Robert Ross, Professor, Boston College
Dec 06, 2012
Ever since the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping opened up his country’s economy in the late 1970s, China has managed to grow in power, wealth, and military might