Jia Qingguo, Director and Professor, Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University
Nov 15, 2019
Decouple or not? That is the question in fraught China-U.S. trade tango.
Daniel Ikenson, Director, Cato Institute’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies
Jul 05, 2019
While Huawei may present a genuine security risk to the United States and the world, there are big problems with the current case against the telecommunications giant, and banning all forms of commerce is not the way forward.
Wang Ziyue, Research Assistant, Intellisia Institute
Jul 03, 2019
In the current China-US trade war, some see an analogy to the Japan-US trade dispute over semiconductors in the 1980s. But past US success does not augur victory in the present conflict over 5G tech—today’s China is far more capable and innovative than 1980s Japan.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
May 31, 2019
Trump’s idiosyncratic “art of the deal” apparently means putting extreme pressure on your negotiating partner to force them to surrender — but the US approach is based on faulty Trumpian economic assumptions and a misread of China’s growth history, and will only backfire.
Tian Feilong, Associate Professor, the Law School of Beihang University
May 28, 2019
The China-US trade war has turned into a “tech war,” with the US aiming to block Huawei from building global 5G networks. Proposals from the recent Prague conference reflect US efforts to reassert its tech dominance by getting allies to follow its lead. But with Trump’s “America First” attitude undermining the moral basis of American leadership, and US innovation lagging, protectionist bullying will not provide a firm foundation for hegemony.
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
May 27, 2019
Trump’s attacks on Huawei open the door to the long-term “decoupling” of Chinese and US cyberspace. Will this separation of the two countries’ tech industries achieve US goals? Or will it introduce political meddling into the previously free and open environmental of innovation in America’s digital economy, while reducing global trust in US tech giants?
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs ,
May 22, 2019
On May 21, 2019, Ambassador Cui Tiankai had an interview with the Fox News's Bret Baier Special Report.
Sara Hsu, Visiting Scholar at Fudan University
May 10, 2019
China’s latest earnings reports show that new technologies are at the center of national growth despite its slowing economy, with new energy vehicles and 5G communications equipment sellers performing especially well. Even so, China’s economy continues to suffer from softer global demand and the ongoing trade war with the U.S.
Apr 16, 2019
Trump, meanwhile, lashed out at Huawei after a former Obama-era official registered as a lobbyist for the firm.
Dong Yifan, Assistant Research Fellow, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University; Munich Young Leader 2025
Apr 08, 2019
5G technology has the potential to spark a new technological revolution, while recharging Europe’s ailing tech companies. But if the EU joins the US in waging “Tech Cold War” on China and Chinese companies like Huawei, Europe risks losing out on the advantages of this new generation of technology.