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Society & Culture
  • He Yafei, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Mar 18, 2016

    The rise of “angry Republicans” crystallizes the polarization of rich and poor in the United States over the past few decades, and ironically they have found a champion in a famous billionaire. Other symptoms, such as systemic political decay and dysfunctional government, also drive populist sentiments that are rising fast in American politics among both liberals and conservatives.

  • Ben Reynolds, Writer and Foreign Policy Analyst in New York

    Mar 16, 2016

    Five Year Plan contains an important proposal that has largely been overlooked: the ‘professionalization and modernization’ of agriculture. The history of agricultural development in countries like the United States suggests the destabilizing consequences in the Chinese countryside.

  • Walker Rowe, Publisher, Southern Pacific Review

    Mar 11, 2016

    After its third infection with Zika, China is stepping up monitoring its citizens in Latin America. Globalization has made it easier for mosquitoes to move about the globe, which are spurring scientists to find solutions, such as creating genetically modified mosquitoes that render entire populations infertile.

  • Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College

    Mar 08, 2016

    While China is unlikely to pursue rendition activities with the U.S., Beijing’s alleged arrests of Hong Kong booksellers in Thailand have stoked international condemnation. While China may have a legitimate need to take into custody fugitives who have committed crimes and fled abroad, such actions must comply with established international norms and official channels.

  • Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute

    Mar 08, 2016

    Ted Cruz wants to rename the land in front of the Chinese embassy after dissident to Liu Xiaobo. While Americans understandably desire to help those who are oppressed, this move is clearly to benefit Ted Cruz. Foreign policy is the art of the possible—focused on protecting collective interests.

  • Roma Eisenstark, Freelance Writer

    Mar 03, 2016

    Roma Eisenstark compares experiences of Chinese living in America to Americans living in China, while considering questions of “immigrant” versus “expat” experiences, and conditions that can create cultural barriers—or engender social acceptance.

  • Kaiser Kuo, Host, Sinica Podcast

    Feb 29, 2016

    Anglophone journalism is not about the quotidian, but instead focuses on power—political and corporate. While Kaiser Kuo esteems this motivation, he argues that it also can create distorted newsreader opinions, misunderstands the complexities of individuals in the most populous nation, and begets worse treatment for journalists in an un-virtuous cycle.

  • Matthew Hartzell, Geographer and Urbanist

    Feb 18, 2016

    Matthew Hartzell polls his Zhihu followers to see who they’d pick for the U.S. election—first from the vantage point of China's national interest, and then from their own conscience. The results are a revealing look at the competing and at times contradictory perceptions of U.S. presidential candidates, and more harrowing Islamophobia.

  • Mathilda Lan, Chinese reporter with a major international media organization

    Feb 16, 2016

    To me there is a profound contradiction at the source of my dislike for the evolution of Chinese New Year: few traditional customs are left today, yet we are all are compelled to cherish and practice them. The shopping, the travelling, and the restaurant feasts only reflect the spirit of capitalism rather than Chinese traditions.

  • Wu Zurong, Research Fellow, China Foundation for Int'l Studies

    Feb 08, 2016

    To maintain the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations that Beijing and Taipei have enjoyed for the past seven years, which have benefitted both sides, the winners of the Taiwan election must abandon any ambition for Taiwan independence and recognize the 1992 Consensus and its one-China principle.

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