Qin Xiaoying, Research Scholar, China Foundation For Int'l and Strategic Studies
Mar 01, 2018
Much of China's future progress will depend on what happens in the countryside.
Guo Dong, Director of the Earth Institute China Initiative, Columbia University
Feb 12, 2018
Unless we achieve a set of commonly agreed upon indicators to measure sustainability or what is high quality, and be able to compare the performance of cities and provinces based upon it, the chance to successfully implement any sustainable policy vision and hold policymakers accountable is grim.
Yoon Young-kwan, Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Seoul National University
Feb 09, 2018
On January 1, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called for better relations with the South, before agreeing to participate in the Olympics. What accounts for Kim’s sudden extension of an olive branch to South Korea?
Yuen Yuen Ang, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan
Feb 07, 2018
In 2018, the 40th anniversary of "reform & opening," how party leaders tell the story of China's transition over the past 40 years will shape future policy steps, both at home and abroad.
Josephine Wolff, Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Feb 06, 2018
China and the U.S. are two of the only nations in the world with sufficiently strong, stable domestic tech sectors that they can afford to block major overseas competitors without fear of significantly undercutting the services available to their own citizens. But if the Chinese government has been willing to let at least some foreign firms compete with its domestic champions in the tech sector, it’s not clear that the same is true of the U.S. government.
Troy Stangarone, Senior Director, Korea Economic Institute of America
Jan 30, 2018
While there has been focus on North Korean efforts to drive a wedge between the United States and South Korea with its offer to attend the Games, Pyongyang also has domestic and economic reasons for attending the Olympics.
Wu Zurong, Research Fellow, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
Jan 30, 2018
The University of Texas at Austin has recently declined a donation for a Sino-US education exchange program. It is astonishing, regressive, and regrettable, especially since the UT at Austin has a long tradition of education and cultural exchanges with China.
Ivy Yu, News Editor, Beijing
Jan 19, 2018
With Trump’s election to the presidency, his personal feud with the American media has only helped to reinforce the negative view towards the American media in Chinese society. American media outlets should come to the realization that Chinese people, the very subject of their media scrutiny, deserve to be portrayed not as imperial subjects, but as people with autonomy and initiative.
Guo Chen, Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center
Jan 18, 2018
Chinese cities have developed rapidly and this pace would not have been possible without relocating/displacing large numbers of both urban natives and migrants. Over the past decades, millions of such people have been mobilized to leave their original communities for the express purpose of making way for the new structures and amenities necessary for a modern city life.
Jan 15, 2018
This week, China's homegrown tech giants Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu took the competition to the U.S., showcasing the best of their innovation at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.