Ian C. Forsyth, Lead Analyst, United States Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC)
Apr 24, 2018
The PRC’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) recently announced the so-called “31 Measures” relating to working relations with Taiwanese entities. But how genuine are these offers, and will winning wallets lead to winning hearts and minds, to paraphrase Lyndon Johnson?
Ma Shikun, Senior Journalist, the People’s Daily
Apr 19, 2018
China’s presence in Africa, by the numbers.
Cheng Li, Director, John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution
Gary Xie, Student at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.
Apr 18, 2018
In April 2017, President Xi Jinping designated three counties in Hebei Province as the “Xiong’an New Area.” This special development area is crucial for Xi’s “new era” ¬–– and for his legacy. The success or failure of Xiong’an could affect his new vision for China’s development.
Gregory Kulacki, Senior Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists
Apr 12, 2018
China's a lot less scary up close.
Keyu Jin, Professor, London School of Economics
Apr 12, 2018
China needs a strong leader to maintain stability.
Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies, Lau China Institute at King's College, London
Apr 11, 2018
Which countries are looking to the future instead of the past? Which countries are doing the opposite?
Patrick Mendis, Visiting Professor of Global Affairs, National Chengchi University
Apr 11, 2018
The Lotus Tower in Sri Lanka is a hallmark of China’s geopolitical and geo-economic strategy associated with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and is a symbol that manifests the long diplomatic engagement between China and Sri Lanka.
Aaron Jed Rabena, Research Fellow, Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress
Apr 11, 2018
Apart from the mainstream narrative that Xi is appropriating methods of Maoist political conservatism or autocratic statecraft, China’s domestic imperatives and external conditions prove useful in examining the motivation behind the abolition of term limits.
Amy Zhao, M.A. Student, NYU Washington Square
Apr 06, 2018
Should China, a superpower that has recently emerged as a major global player, pay more attention to the image it is projecting abroad about Chinese values?
Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong
Xiao Geng, Director of Institute of Policy and Practice at Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mar 27, 2018
The test is whether the Chinese system adapts to long-term challenges and contributes to national and global wellbeing, not whether it adheres to Western standards.