Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College
Dec 14, 2018
The West should not overreact to China’s influence operations, nor sacrifice the openness that is a source of their strength.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Dec 11, 2018
A chorus of anti-China voices is rising across the US, a mix of disappointed ideologues, disgruntled stakeholders, unyielding populists, and those who enjoy a good fight and want to join the pack. But the tenor of the times is such that many of the same academics, and diplomats who once could be counted on to bridge the diplomatic gap have cut the conversation short and battened down the hatches.
Zhu Songling, Professor, Beijing Union University
Dec 06, 2018
The DPP’s betrayal of the One China principle will cost them and Taiwan.
Martin King Whyte, Professor of International Studies and Sociology Emeritus, Harvard University
Oct 25, 2018
China eliminated its one-child policy in hopes of boosting its population, but three years later, the country faces not only a looming population decline but also a demographic reality that could disrupt its economic and social progress.
Gideon Rachman, Chief Foreign Affairs Columnist at the Financial Times
Oct 23, 2018
Even ultimate failure would not invalidate his claim to be a truly historic president.
Cecilia Joy-Pérez, Research Associate at the American Enterprise Institute
Oct 04, 2018
After promoting its rigid family planning regime for decades, the Chinese government now faces the economic consequences of the one-child policy.
Lea Shih, Research Associate, Mercator Institute for China Studies
Sebastian Heilmann, Founding president of MERICS
Sep 19, 2018
The new leadership structure of the central political commissions demonstrates a fundamental shift in the division of responsibilities between members of the Standing Committee since the 1980s. Policymaking on the top priority issues of Xi Jinping’s agenda will effectively be shifted from the Politburo’s Standing Committee to the special political commissions in the upcoming years.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Sep 13, 2018
While the American box office celebrates “Crazy Rich Asians”, those seeking an edgier, deeper look into the lives of the insanely rich should look no further than “Mr Billionaire”.
Wang Fan, Vice President, China Foreign Affairs University
Aug 27, 2018
A more international China should not be arrogant and self-centered, instead it should be aware of its weaknesses.
Amy Zhao, M.A. Student, NYU Washington Square
Aug 21, 2018
In its attempt to woo foreign students to its top universities, China may be missing the mark on productive educational exchange.