Zhao Tong, Fellow, Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
Jan 21, 2020
Absent some substantive progress, the Korean Peninsula situation may well deteriorate significantly this year. To prevent a new escalation, the international community should make the DPRK aware of exactly what the red lines are.
Jin Liangxiang, Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies
Jan 17, 2020
Hatred runs deep between the two countries. Thus, even if tensions recede, hostility is likely to remain, or even increase. In the end, it will benefit no one.
Fan Gaoyue, Guest Professor at Sichuan University, Former Chief Specialist at PLA Academy of Military Science
Jan 14, 2020
The United States has weakened it reputation around the world through the capricious actions of the Trump administration. As a result, even its friends are unlikely to play along.
Wang Jin, Associate Research Professor, Institute of American Studies, CICIR
Jan 09, 2020
The killing is a game-changer that will divert America’s attention from other priorities and force Trump to send more troops and weapons to the Middle East rather than withdrawing.
Tian Shichen, Founder & President, Global Governance Institution
Hong Xiaowen, Assistant Researcher, Grandview Institution
Jan 09, 2020
Protected by the vast Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the American homeland is a difficult target for direct retaliation. Iran and its proxies have easier marks around the world.
Tian Shichen, Founder & President, Global Governance Institution
Jan 09, 2020
The Trump administration owes the world a clear explanation of how it justified an operation to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. So far, the strike seems legally dubious, if not flagrantly illegal.
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Jan 07, 2020
Concerns of China and the United States over science and technology can be resolved by the international community. Avoiding the huge cost of decoupling should be a top consideration.
Jin Liangxiang, Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies
Jan 07, 2020
Misunderstandings spread by poorly informed Western media, often using loaded language, cloud the truth. Academics need to seek primary sources.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
Dec 18, 2019
In little more than a generation, the Internet has become a vital substrate for economic, social, and political interactions, and it has unlocked enormous gains. Along with greater interdependence, however, come vulnerability and conflict. Attacks by states and non-state actors have increased, threatening the stability of cyberspace.
Zhang Tuosheng, Principal Researcher at Grandview Institution, and Academic Committee Member of Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University
Dec 17, 2019
The tasks and timelines are complex, but it’s still possible to end the nuclear standoff on the Korean Peninsula once and for all. Time is short.