Shen Yamei, Director, Department for American Studies, China Institute of International Studies
Aug 24, 2021
The lack of self-reflection in the United States over the haphazard retreat from Afghanistan is nothing short of stunning. President Joe Biden’s plummeting approval ratings, a fourth wave of the pandemic, inflation and southern border security could combine to wreak havoc for Democrats in the coming midterm elections.
Zha Daojiong, Professor, Peking University
Aug 24, 2021
The withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan is not as much of a game-changer for China as some may think. The Afghan people ferociously defend their sovereignty against foreign incursions, and future complications cannot be ruled out.
Li Yan, Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Aug 23, 2021
For a decade, the focus of the United States has shown a high degree of continuity, starting with George W. Bush and followed by Barack Obama, Donald Trump and now Joe Biden. But America is now paying greater attention to detail and adding new features to its geostrategic approach.
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
Aug 18, 2021
How to deal with the fast-moving political changes is a shared challenge for China and the United States. But the Biden administration needs to learn one obvious lesson, and quickly: The world does not work the way America thinks it does.
Zhang Yun, Professor, School of International Relations, Nanjing University
Aug 18, 2021
Over the past 20 years, an over-reliance on military power has failed to bring the U.S. anywhere near resolving international conflicts. Now, with the U.S. defeat in Afghanistan, counterterrorism thinking has been defeated as well. Diplomacy must take its place.
Zhang Yun, Professor, School of International Relations, Nanjing University
Aug 12, 2021
A fundamental shift in thinking is needed under which inspections become an interactive, two-way process. The accusatory hunt for a presumed cheater that has been used in the past needs to change. What's needed is a process that builds trust and provides incentives for cooperation.
Sampson Oppedisano, Executive Assistant to the Dean, The Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy
Aug 12, 2021
After two decades, the United States’ war in Afghanistan is finally coming to an end in late August. Though he is defending his decision, President Joe Bi
Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Aug 10, 2021
The fears are not baseless. For a century, Afghanistan has had deep connections with various transnational jihadist forces. One noted scholar calculates that some 100,000 extremists have connected with Pakistan alone and formed a vast international network.
Su Jingxiang, Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations
Aug 10, 2021
How things turn out will be a reflection of the success or failure of the U.S. Eurasian strategy. America aims to benefit geopolitically from continued turmoil in Afghanistan, but a common commitment to regional stability and peace by China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran can counter it.
Ben Reynolds, Writer and Foreign Policy Analyst in New York
Aug 06, 2021
The United States is seeking to put an end to its sprawling invasion of Afghanistan, leaving behind calamitous regional instability at the crossroads of Asia. China’s rising stature in Asia and its expanding interests have them poised to take the reins of global conflict in the country.