Ma Jun, Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science
Jun 25, 2013
The release of classified information by Edward Snowden has revealed three facts about the nature of the United States in regards to its security, policies and global relations. As Ma Jun explains, the vulnerability of US security, the shame of US policies and the hypocrisy of US democracy will continue to weigh on Sino-US relations.
Liu Jiangyong, Vice Director, Tsinghua University
Jun 24, 2013
Liu Jiangyong writes that the Sino-Japanese dispute over the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands has entered a new stage; and disputes Japanese claims, saying that China will not shelve the issue unilaterally.
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Jun 24, 2013
As the United States seeks to engage China on cyber security issues at the upcoming Strategic and Economic Dialogue; the Obama administration should first outline its domestic cyber regulations.
David Shinn, Adjunct Professor, George Washington University
Jun 21, 2013
Chinese passivism towards terrorism/extremism may be suiting to change based on the Mali conflict. Through much of the Mali conflict, China held its typical responses: urging peace and stability. But in late 2012, China offered military support to Mali. It also pledged to offer monetary aid and suggested methods to help nations build their capacities to ward off extremist uprisings.
Matthew Aid, Author of 'Intel Wars: The Secret History of the Fight Against Terror'
Jun 14, 2013
Deep within the National Security Agency, an elite, rarely discussed team of hackers and spies is targeting America’s enemies abroad.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Jun 14, 2013
In the past, the global ICT ecosystem was dominated by U.S. companies. Today, that dominance is crumbling. In this view, the commercial success of Huawei and ZTE would be the result of their competitive strategies. The global shift to a multipolar system marks a new era for ICTs and the way that markets emerge.
Lu Jinghua, Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science
Jun 07, 2013
The United States Department of Defense’s most recent report on the People’s Liberation Army strained already heightened tensions between the US and China due to its focus on cyber security. Lu Jinghua argues the US needs to stop imagining cyber threats and start cooperating with China.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Jun 07, 2013
The "Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2013" by the Defense Department outlines the great lengths China has taken to modernize its military. While the report outlines impressive undertakings by China, Doug Bandow reiterates that a rising China should not worry the US.
Franz-Stefan Gady, Associate Editor, Diplomat
Jun 04, 2013
Revelations regarding China’s modernizing military and the threat cyber espionage and attacks pose to the United States have renewed calls for greater cooperation in cyberspace. Now, Franz-Stefan Gady argues that more should be done to ease tensions between the United States and China.
Zhao Weibin, Researcher, PLA Academy of Military Science
Jun 03, 2013
Revelations made in the US Defense Department’s latest report have ruffled feathers among China’s PLA. Zhao Weibin urges readers not to believe everything within it or risk damaging military-to-military relations.